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  • How come no other anti virus companies go down, get this glitchy, during moves? As icky as NOrton is.. can you imagine what would happen if 60% of their clients all couldnt run their operation at once because they were moving?
  • Did a Traceroute... 8 33 ms 33 ms 36 ms [] 9-14 * * * TIMEOUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 15 218 ms 216 ms 218 ms [] hop 4 was my last ISP hop... replied with 9 ms.... probably not a SSL problem... :S Edit: Pretty uncool... i've installed Vista yesterday and i…
  • Which means it's something to do with the secure SSL or whatever licensing. It's a pain in the ###### for me because I can't even run a scan right now.... what's the point in paying for their product if you can't use it??? If it doesn't fix in a week or so, I'm going to have to chargeback...
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