

  • Ok confirmed. I went back to 2009 Antivirus and word works fine again. I just clicked links in google till a found a free download of 2009 AV for 64 bit OS. Installed and updated and everything and now word works just fine again. If anyone else is having problems running 2007 Ms Word on Xp Pro x64 I would suggest you do…
  • Maybe I was not clear. Creating a exclusion for word did not help. After updating bitdefender from the download word still wouldn't start. Also I have completely formatted my hard drive since the Trojan and that can not be causing this problem. My problem seems to be some difference in bitdefender 2009 and 2010. More…
  • I have had the exact same issue. Trojan fake alert.5 killed my comp a few days ago (also running xp pro x64). After Reinstalling everything and updating bitdefender suddenly word wouldn't work. I've uninstall-ed and reinstalled everything about 12 times in the last few days and word works fine till I update it. Tried…
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