Word 2007 Will Not Work

After the Trojan.Fakealert disaster rendering my XP 64bit system useless and spending a whole day reinstalling everything Bitdefender has surprised me with yet another issue. MS Word 2007 will not work with BD Internet Security running. Word will just sit there and do nothing. Only uninstalling BD helped to get Word back working. I guess any current update is useless to me as it renders Word 2007 unusable.

Anybody else seen this problem with the newest updates for BD? BTW, Word 2007 was working perfectly until the Trojan.Fakealert disaster.

All this aside, I'm really thinking of upgrading my whole system to an even newer Windows OS including switching to another Internet Security / Antivirus suite. This issue with Bitdefender has cost me over two days now. Needless to say, I'm pretty PO'ed...




  • I have had the exact same issue. Trojan fake alert.5 killed my comp a few days ago (also running xp pro x64). After Reinstalling everything and updating bitdefender suddenly word wouldn't work. I've uninstall-ed and reinstalled everything about 12 times in the last few days and word works fine till I update it. Tried making an exclusion for the word exe file and nothing after I have updated. Word just hangs on the splash screen and does nothing. I originally bought bit def 2009 and it had no problems. but I am running bitdefender 2010 now since that was the download available at the site now. This is a big problem as at my collage they only accept assignments and papers in ms word and I do like your AV software. If you could find a way to correct this it would be great. Otherwise if you could provide a download for the 2009 bitdefender antivirus software that works with my 64 bit xp pro OS that would work too. I had Zero problems until I re-downloaded after the virus issue and now find myself with 2010 version that hates my ms word. As much as I love your AV Every class I'm taking will fail me unless I can submit my assignments in word. Honestly just send me a download for the older 2009 antivirus for 64 bit OS and I'll be happy. Of corse if you fix the 2010 version it will be fine too B) This is quite frustrating as I have been trying to get my comp back to full working order for almost a week and it looks like I may have to chose between my favorite AV and failing my degree. Please help.

  • Only uninstalling BD helped to get Word back working. I guess any current update is useless to me as it renders Word 2007 unusable.William

    BD's tech people put a topic on the procedure to fix the trojan.Fakelaert.

    Maybe follow Dragonbane989's advice, make an exclusion for the word exe file. in BD.

    It is not a clear solution to input, but I do not know what else to do.

    Try to repair or to reinstall MS Word, maybe it will fix the problem - even if we expect it to run fine without BD?

    Or deinstall completely BD and re-download it from BD's basis.


    Sorry I have no fresher ideas.

    I hope BD's tech will bring you help.

    Good night!


  • Maybe I was not clear. Creating a exclusion for word did not help. After updating bitdefender from the download word still wouldn't start. Also I have completely formatted my hard drive since the Trojan and that can not be causing this problem. My problem seems to be some difference in bitdefender 2009 and 2010. More specifically it problem seems to be the interaction between one of the updates for bitdefender 2010 the xp 64 OS and MS word 2007. Put all three in the same system and word wont start anymore. Anyone know someplace I can re-download the older 2009 bit defender antivirus for 64 bit OS?

  • Ok confirmed. I went back to 2009 Antivirus and word works fine again. I just clicked links in google till a found a free download of 2009 AV for 64 bit OS. Installed and updated and everything and now word works just fine again. If anyone else is having problems running 2007 Ms Word on Xp Pro x64 I would suggest you do the same until the bitdefender peeps solve the problem. Just find a download for 2009 bit defender and use that one. It dose not seem to have the same hate for Word on xp-64 that 2010 has. Hope this helps someone out there. Google "bitdefender 2009 antivirus 64 bit" no quotes. it was the last link on page 3. two links there one for 32 bit and one for 64 bit. B)

  • Ok confirmed. I went back to 2009 Antivirus and word works fine again. I just clicked links in google till a found a free download of 2009 AV for 64 bit OS. Installed and updated and everything and now word works just fine again. If anyone else is having problems running 2007 Ms Word on Xp Pro x64 I would suggest you do the same until the bitdefender peeps solve the problem. Just find a download for 2009 bit defender and use that one. It dose not seem to have the same hate for Word on xp-64 that 2010 has. Hope this helps someone out there. Google "bitdefender 2009 antivirus 64 bit" no quotes. it was the last link on page 3. two links there one for 32 bit and one for 64 bit. B)

    I'm having pretty much the same problems, btw I'm glad you got it solved.

    and I have 3 computers, 2 desktops with winxp64 and 1 laptop with win vista (I haven't even installed bd on the winvista laptop), but word simply won't start, it hangs on welcome screen.

    I've uninstalled and reinstalled office and bitdefender like 15 times now. Im on the edge of reinstalling the whole operative system. Im going nuts with this, as I need word on a daily basis. Been going through this for 2 weeks now. I get the gray bd ball on system tray also and all crashing problems mention on other topics.

    My must important question until now is:

    So BITDEFENDER 2009 is the solution? (at least for now?) and my registration key I bought, (for bd2010) will work for the Bitdefender 2009 version?

  • Hi everyone,

    ProtectMyPc please read my answer to your first topic on this subject here

    This issue is discussed here . For any further comments on this topic please use the link above. Topic closed. Thank you for understanding.


This discussion has been closed.