OK. The next thing is to try a repair of BD. Note, this will reset any of the options you may have customized back to factory defaults. You may want to make note of any changes before doing the repair so you can re-input them later. From the Windows Start button: All Programs-->BitDefender 2011-->Repair or Remove Follow…
One last easy thing to try before the steps get more difficult... try rebooting the PC, wait at least 30 minutes for BDIS to auto-update the program itself. Then check the About screen again. Regards, No change there...
You did it right. That is the manual update process. Now, when you right-click on the BD icon, click on "About" and see what build number is displayed. It should be Is the version of BD you have an English version? Regards, It says: Build Yes it is an english version.
BD released a new build ( yesterday as described HERE. Verify if the update has been applied to your parent's PC. If not, manually do an Update Now. Let us know if their problem is resolved. I understand what you are going through. I do remote support for my 87 year old in-law's PC. Regards, Thanks. The link…