

  • Daca doriti, putem sa investigam situatia. Puteti sa imi trimiteti log-ul pe PM. nu cred ca mai este nevoie.... Folosesc un alt produs antivirus si totul functioneaza perfect!
  • Best thing to do is UNINSTALL this rubbish and put something else on your system, i uninstalled this crap after only a few hours, now happily using KIS 2012 again problem free! Agree with you! I do the same and using now KIS2012. ZERO problems...
  • >Daca mai aveti nelamuriri va stau la dispozitie nu mai am nici o nelamurire... m-ati convins! cred ca am sa cer bani inapoi , nu vad de ce as mai folosi acest produs defect!
  • Buna seara, Am intrebat daca a fost rezolvata aceasta problema. Va rog cititi corect. Am aproape 10 tickete in system ... nici nu mai stiu exact pentru ca nu am primit raspuns la toate...majoritatea sunt deschise ...altele nu am primit raspuns... Oricum partea cu repararea sau jurnal generat de Support Tool sau sa va…
  • ma confrunt cu aceasi problema. A fost cumva rezolvata???
  • the same here... The problem with the "anonymous usage reports ON/OFF" I believe it's left intentionally to collect data from users ... Bitdefender shouldn't collect any kind of data without users permission. So this way this is a tricky one that this option it's not working.... Also this problem it's from August as I read…
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