

  • See THIS TOPIC and send George R a PM (Private Message). I'm sure he can find out for you. Regards, Message sent, thank you
  • "We have reached out to the customers and answered their requests," Is it a joke ?! There is NO request FORM anywhere !
  • I'd just like, many others, want to know exactly what type of compensation we are receiving? Your released an update, GREAT! It would be awesome if bit defender even ran, let alone anything on my computer worked. My computer needs to have Windows Vista re-installed, it's a 1200$ ASUS gaming computer, that I got a few…
  • Is there any ETA on a fix from BitDefender? Also - I have disabled the real-time protection and am now trying to restore the hundreds of system files that have been moved to Quarantine, but each time I get a message saying "Failed to find the specified path. Please review the previous operation and try again". The message…
  • Still having this issue.
  • I was thinking about something. Do I need to open ports on my router for the Backup ??
  • Hello lowwa132, We would like to know if the same error occurs if you do not schedule the backup and you perform the Online backup normally. Thank you. I have the same error, even if I disable automatic backup.
  • Hello lowwa132, Please let us know when do you encounter this error message, while you are trying to save your data online or when you are trying to restore the data that is already saved. Thank you. Hello, I have this message when I try to save my data online. It never worked. BD2010 is trying to make the first backup,…
  • Hello highaltitude, Your license key is valid and that is why we have sent you a procedure that should help you overcome this situation . Let us know if it worked for you . Thank you . Hi, I have the same problem with my license key. PM me to know my email adress of the account if needed.
  • Ca fonctionne toujours chez moi en tous cas
  • Bonjour, Pour ceux qui n'ont pas la barre antispam dans Thunderbird, il semble que c'est uniquement une option décochée qui serait à l'origine de ce problème. Il suffit d'aller dans Thunderbird, dans le menu 'Affichage' puis dans 'Barre d'outils', puis de recocher 'BitDefender toolbar' (c'est déjà coché, mais faites comme…
  • Après quelques minutes d'utilisation de Thunderbird, les erreurs se sont multipliées : Erreur : [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004002 (NS_NOINTERFACE) [nsIMsgMessageService.messageURIToMsgHdr]" nsresult: "0x80004002 (NS_NOINTERFACE)" location: "JS frame :: chrome://bdtoolbar/content/bdToolbar.js ::…
  • Bonjour, j'ai le même problème, plus de toolbar antispam :/ BDTB: BitDefender 2009 - antispam tb toolbar v12.0.11.30 [onLoad]: loading bitdefender toolbar... check for thunderbird window: yes UniversalXPConnect: OK messenger: <[xpconnect wrapped nsIMessenger]> : OK create BD instance: <[xpconnect wrapped nsISupports]> : OK…
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