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The Backup Doesn't Works



I have a problem with my online backup :


BD2010 (with online backup) 13.0.16.

Windows Seven.


  • Alex Stanciu

    Hello lowwa132,

    Please let us know when do you encounter this error message, while you are trying to save your data online or when you are trying to restore the data that is already saved.

    Thank you.

  • Hello lowwa132,

    Please let us know when do you encounter this error message, while you are trying to save your data online or when you are trying to restore the data that is already saved.

    Thank you.


    I have this message when I try to save my data online. It never worked. BD2010 is trying to make the first backup, everyday at 7 pm.

  • Alex Stanciu

    Hello lowwa132,

    We would like to know if the same error occurs if you do not schedule the backup and you perform the Online backup normally.

    Thank you.

  • Hello lowwa132,

    We would like to know if the same error occurs if you do not schedule the backup and you perform the Online backup normally.

    Thank you.

    I have the same error, even if I disable automatic backup.

  • I was thinking about something.

    Do I need to open ports on my router for the Backup ??

  • Still having this issue.

  • ... UP :)