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  • ... Besides anything suggested before I can only add to make sure the required .NET Framework 3 is present with the latest good update. ... I have Framework 4 Extended, is that good enough?
  • Noticed Another thread with this issue as well. A reply states : The My Bitdefender login has just changed so perhaps they have not updated all the links. The one I used was, if you still cant get in, wait for a few hours for Bitdefender to sort all the links. This was about the same…
  • Did you ever get your desktop to login? If so, what did you do to fix the problem?
  • Absolutely it can. I have it installed on 3 machines , all using the same account login. Are those machines on the same network?
  • Tried the following : - Exiting BD on machine #1, no change on #2 - Shutting #1 down, no change on #2 - Rebooting #2 in safe mode w/networking ... DB hangs - Changed #2 default browser from FF to Chrome, , no change - Removed #1 from "my devices" in my account on BD website, no change on #2, BUT #1 was still able to…
  • When bitdefender returned that error, I then went to the website and logged in with the registration from the first machine. Both machines are on the same network and use the same router for internet access, could that be an issue? So my problem is bitdefender (on 2nd machine) is not giving me the prompt to create a new…
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