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Login To Mybitdefender From Bitdefender Scree Fails


Help! I installed Bitdefender Free on both my laptop and desktop. The installations went fine and the Bitdefender screens confirm that My System is Protected, and My Virus Shield and Auto Scan are on. I also created 2 separate new My Bitdefender accounts on the Bitdefender website, and I can log into each of them from that site.

On my laptop the My Bitdefender button confirms I am logged in. On the desktop, though, the

My Bitdefender button says that I have not logged in and have 20 days to do so or I will not be able to use the product. When I attempt to log in from that button, I get an error message that "The connection to the server has failed. The product could not be activated. Check the connection and try again." Any idea what's happening?, What I should do? or whether I will really lose the My Bitdefender even though I do have an account? Thanks!


  • Nesivos
    Help! I installed Bitdefender Free on both my laptop and desktop. The installations went fine and the Bitdefender screens confirm that My System is Protected, and My Virus Shield and Auto Scan are on. I also created 2 separate new My Bitdefender accounts on the Bitdefender website, and I can log into each of them from that site.

    On my laptop the My Bitdefender button confirms I am logged in. On the desktop, though, the

    My Bitdefender button says that I have not logged in and have 20 days to do so or I will not be able to use the product. When I attempt to log in from that button, I get an error message that "The connection to the server has failed. The product could not be activated. Check the connection and try again." Any idea what's happening?, What I should do? or whether I will really lose the My Bitdefender even though I do have an account? Thanks!

    I don't really have a solution that I know will work. However, if you have more than one browser installed; eg IE and Chrome or IE and Firefox. Change the default browser in Windows and then try to register/activate BD AV Free on your desktop.

    Also try logging out from My Bitdefender on your laptop and then turn it off. Then try and register from your desktop.

  • I don't really have a solution that I know will work. However, if you have more than one browser installed; eg IE and Chrome or IE and Firefox. Change the default browser in Windows and then try to register/activate BD AV Free on your desktop.

    Also try logging out from My Bitdefender on your laptop and then turn it off. Then try and register from your desktop.

    Thanks for the suggestions. I set another browser (Chrome) as default and tried to log in to My Bitdefender through the screen but I get the same "cannot connect" message. Actually after I did it twice I now have no info on the Bitdefender screen at all. Yuck! I didn't try your second suggestion as I have totally separate emails and passwords on the laptop than I do on the desktop, but I think I may try re-installing Bitdefender Free and see what happens.

  • Did you ever get your desktop to login?

    If so, what did you do to fix the problem?