

  • Well....I may have found a fix, if you want to call it that...i mentioned before how the vista pc in the office shows up with an extender deal when the 360 is on...well, I set it up through that and it worked fine. So....I guess at the least I can transfer files over to that pc, or media share them perhaps. Oh well.
  • Right on, man, I'm glad you got yours up and running. I hadnt found any of the info you posted so I tried it...sadly, still nothing. I changed to TKIP and also tried the second suggestion you gave. At this point, I'm at a loss.
  • I appreciate the effort you put into this problem! The sad truth is that I, like you, have no life and have already tried every single one of those solutions as well :-\ ...nothing worked. I even tried manually messing with firewall settings and ensured everything was as suggested; still nothing. This is beyond sad to me;…
  • I appreciate the tip, however I've already done this step multiple times, both completely reinstalling MCE and re-recognizing the 360 via MCE. I still get the same message. I hope JasonT has better luck with this step. I tried this step again just now and again got the same message. I'm not sure what else to do.
  • Hello, I dont mean to threadjack here, but I'm experiencing a similar problem as the one mentioned abov; I assume since no reply was made that perhaps the OP of this thread had his problem fixed...I'm running BDTS 2010 and have Windows XP 2005 Media Center Edition Update 2. I am trying to get my Xbox 360 to recognize my MC…
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