Sigh - another bitdefender problem! This is happening for me too on a brand new install! Fix above fixes the problem, but begs the question - why aren't these two files replaced in the installer with these files?
Sigh - another bitdefender problem! This is happening for me too on a brand new install!
CPU Brand Name: Intel® Core i7-3630QM CPU @ 2.40GHz Processor Name: Intel Core i7-3630QM Original Processor Frequency: 2400.0 MHz CPU Stepping: E1 CPU Code Name: Ivy Bridge-MB SV Number of CPU Cores: 4 Number of Logical CPUs: 8 SERVICE_NAME: avchv TYPE : 1 KERNEL_DRIVER STATE : 1 STOPPED WIN32_EXIT_CODE : 1077 (0x435)…
I have the same problem too. BD TS 2015 on win 8.1 Pro 64bit.
Guys or Gals I had the exact same problem when going from Total Security 2013 to 2015 - see my log forum post about it here, but it is a bit long and boring. Funnily enough mine is a DELL laptop too running 64bit Win 8.1 Pro with Media Center on an SSD. Could it be DELL laptops? So to cut a long post short. this fixed it…
That news broke after I posted yesterday, whatever they decide to call it I like the way the OS is going, I find myself using my 8.1 desktop more than my 7 one - except for gaming. To be honest I like Win 8, especially with Start 8 installed. It only cost a few pounds and my old start bar is back. It's been really stable…
Here was me thinking it was Windows 9, have we jumped one version all together? Yup - trying to distance itself from 8 as much as possible - by even skipping 9 lol
OK so cut a long story short - I was asked to install BD Win8 and found out none of my licenses for BD TS 2015 worked. So pointless. In the call they asked me to downgrade to BD TS 2015!!! Anyways, i used the new uninstall tool and then ran the offline BD TS2015 installer an dall seems well. No BSOD at all.......thank god
Also following link shows compatibility of both products are fine. What happens if they release win 9 at the end of the year and I buy it?
Seeing how you are running Windows 8.1 you might want to buy/install this because it is tailored for Windows 8/8.1 I hope this helps. Thanks, not all my PC's are win 8.1 or windows 8 for that matter- thankfully I suppose question for support team is I have just…
Oh my ticket number was 2014092110050002, you might as well close it.
My last contact with the help desk was on the 8th September and despite several subsequent emails to them I have heard nothing further. So here I have a BitDefender product which they don't seem to care that I can't instal. BitDef Help Desk - ticket 2014090321200001. I've just fired a ticket at them as I just purchased…