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  • You may have to uninstall Zone Alarm Firewall or add Bitdefender processes to its Exclusions. Problem was it wanted to act as a SERVER, and we don't let any program act as a server. That opens up a portal. A Security Threat !!! Nevertheless, it was allowed ONLY upon installation - else it will not properly install and/or…
  • Similiar problem in that the interface would not come up and therefore can not "register" with BitDefender to let them know I/we have it on what machine. Although that information will be in Error in my case. Nevertheless, suffice it to say - no one is answering our questions nor are they fixing the problem. Wherefore, we…
  • FOURTH ATTEMPT ... finally installed - BUT, WILL NOT LOAD USER INTERFACE Therefore, we cannot "register" it. Therefore, we don't know what its doing to our system. We know its running as ... GZSERV.exe, whereas GZIFACE.exe is the interface. WHAT IS IT GOING TO TAKE TO MAKE YOUR ANTIVIRUS WORK ? ? ? ALL DAY ON THIS FORUM…
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