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  • sorry for the double post, but a liitle update the net works for a bit on router reset but then when the strange addresses come back the net cuts out not sure what would cause this
  • It was just strange to see an IP I have never seen before show up under my Local Area connections. Had to make sure. Thanks for the help.
  • So it's nothing to worry about then?
  • That make a whole world of difference, yes, that is the normal Bitdefender survey. I take those once in awhile too (i.e. when I've uninstalled BD for various reasons) Fill it out, not a problem, they appreciate it. Thanks for your follow up post. By the way, welcome Thanks for the reply. I was just worried because it took…
    in Bd Survey? Comment by scottyp March 2014
  • It comes up as a clean site, but I've never seen that before from Bitdefender. Anything that wants me to log in without a previous password is pretty troubling to me. I would submit this to BD and have them take a look at it: Oh, sorry. It doesn't come up with a…
    in Bd Survey? Comment by scottyp March 2014
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