

  • Hi, anybody here today that can help me. I just tried and deinstalled the version of BD Internet Sec 2008 with a tool from you. Rebootet the system and installed BD Internet Sec. 2008 again. Now I don't even have any Firewall any more! Boh its getting worse and worse. Regards sww001
  • Hi, is there anybody today that is able to help solve my problem that I have been having now for over 4 weeks!! sww001
  • Hi, I guess nobody is able to help solve my problem that I have been having now for over 4 weeks!! sww001
  • @all, I just tried the livesupport! After a couple of minutes somebody finally showed up (James). I had my questions already written. I didn't recieve any answer at all. He just left. Boh, that sure is some kind of support. I have been having problems with IS 2008 since about 4 weeks and nobody here can help me. I just…
  • Hi, still no answer for my problem here?!? Hi bluesprite, yes I had found them answers. I tried them, but it still didn't work! A few days ago it worked for a couple of days! I thought it was (finally) over,... But two days ago I had the same problem again: "HTTP error 403". Regards sww001
  • Hi bluesprite, yes I had found them answers. I tried them, but it still didn't work! A few days ago it worked for a couple of days! I thought it was (finally) over,... But two days ago I had the same problem again: "HTTP error 403". Regards sww001
  • Hi, I have the same problem too with my computers. I get the same message: "HTTP error 403". My version is: I sent my information to the support on the 30th of October!! I still haven't recieved any reply for to help to resolve this problem. Maybe somebody here can help me. sww001
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