Need Help

i can not update http error 404


  • open the advanced settings, go to update and use the 'Reset to defaults' button. If that doesn't help, check the update servers, set and

  • open the advanced settings, go to update and use the 'Reset to defaults' button. If that doesn't help, check the update servers, set and

    thank you very mach

  • thank you very mach

    I have same problem tried suggestions, no change. What to do next?


  • I had this problem yesterday when I initially installed BitDefender 2008. I contacted Technical Support, which in response they told me to send a couple (2) of files for them to research a little (to diagnose the issue).

    About 5 hours after I complied with their request, my BitDefender spontaneously updated itself correctly - amazing, huh?

    Is this issue still an ongoing issue? (As of Nov 9th)

    If so.. I suggest you contact the Technical Support department:

  • I have just installed bitdefender. When I press Update Now, I will get an error in the Update Status box indicating "An error occurred during the update (HTTP error 403). If the problem persists, please contact BitDefender support." The file listed is netsf.inf. Anyone know what the problem is here? I am running Windows Vista Ultimate 32bit. I did a search on my system for netsf.inf and found nothing. Should it be there?

  • I had installed Internet security 2008 the day before yesterday, first it updated nicely then started to run to update error 404 file: which resides in firewall file. yesterday the update started working by itself and today again the update error.

    I have posted a request for help to the support service, I guess I should wait until monday for the reply.

  • and i have the same problem...

    error 404!!!!!

    What i should do?


  • <img class=" /> I have the same problem. Accept I get "HTTP error 404". I spoke with a Bitdefender tech who said they are aware of the problem. He advised me to uninstall and try again. He said "this SHOULD take care of the problem", well it didn't. Also note, I get this error under XP and Vista. PS, don't try to get in touch with Bitdefender's after hour tech service "witch is any time on the weekend"... <img class=" />

    I have just installed bitdefender. When I press Update Now, I will get an error in the Update Status box indicating "An error occurred during the update (HTTP error 403). If the problem persists, please contact BitDefender support." The file listed is netsf.inf. Anyone know what the problem is here? I am running Windows Vista Ultimate 32bit. I did a search on my system for netsf.inf and found nothing. Should it be there?

  • <img class=" /> I have the same problem. Accept I get "HTTP error 404". I spoke with a Bitdefender tech who said they are aware of the problem. He advised me to uninstall and try again. He said "this SHOULD take care of the problem", well it didn't. Also note, I get this error under XP and Vista. PS, don't try to get in touch with Bitdefender's after hour tech service "witch is any time on the weekend"... <img class=" />

    I have the exact same problem under WINXP Pro SP2.

  • Please make that four people! I have tried to contact their Live Assistance support and they put me on hold for so long, and guess what? "Sorry but no operators can be reached at the moment, please send us an email.. it's been 2 days now!".

    I'm going to contact them today guys and if I get a solution from them, I will post it here :).

    Best Regards,


    edited November 2007
    Please make that four people! I have tried to contact their Live Assistance support and they put me on hold for so long, and guess what? "Sorry but no operators can be reached at the moment, please send us an email.. it's been 2 days now!".

    I'm going to contact them today guys and if I get a solution from them, I will post it here :).

    Best Regards,


    I was trying all day Saturday. All total I spent 5+ hours on hold. I have not tried today (Sunday), but I bet it would be the same story. I will try Monday, if I find out any thing, I as well will post it here...

    :ph34r: -Damian :ph34r:

  • and i have the same problem...

    error 404!!!!!

    What i should do?


    I also have the same problem that by now, I'm sure they are aware of. I will just wait til next week, as I don't feel like sitting on hold. Hopefully they will fix it when everyone gets back from weekend. I also changed my 2nd address to ....update1.. and it worked once, but now doesn't work again. It also doesn't seem to install the updates that it does download, or it's damm quick.


  • Has anyone tried to install the updates manually? I'm currently at work so I haven't tried.

  • I also have the same problem that by now, I'm sure they are aware of. I will just wait til next week, as I don't feel like sitting on hold. Hopefully they will fix it when everyone gets back from weekend. I also changed my 2nd address to ....update1.. and it worked once, but now doesn't work again. It also doesn't seem to install the updates that it does download, or it's damm quick.


    Yes, you are right, they are aware of it and it seems the update service is running fine again for me. I hope it remains stable. However it should be nice to hear an explanation for the next time in order not to panic and doe silly things (like I did a new reinstall).

  • Has anyone tried to install the updates manually? I'm currently at work so I haven't tried.

    Unfortunately with 2008, I don't think you can do it manually, at least I don't see an option. I know you can with the previous versions. :(


    edited November 2007
    Unfortunately with 2008, I don't think you can do it manually, at least I don't see an option. I know you can with the previous versions. :(


    I take that back. You can do a manual update and it does seam to work. However, once you tell it to do an auto update you get the same error. Back to the drawing borad... <img class=" />


  • I take that back. You can do a manual update and it does seam to work. However, once you tell it to do an auto update you get the same error. Back to the drawing borad... <img class=" />


    That ######, I just purchased it too. the trial ran get 1.5 months ago, so I though I should buy it.

  • update is now working for me.

  • i can not update http error 404

    do something

  • Hello,

    I'll need to know how many of you still have this problem and whether you have uninstalled the beta version (if you had any) before updating to the final product.

    Also is this problem present only in v.11 and all teh packages for v.11?

  • Hello,

    I'll need to know how many of you still have this problem and whether you have uninstalled the beta version (if you had any) before updating to the final product.

    Also is this problem present only in v.11 and all teh packages for v.11?

    I had Bitdefender 9 plus v10. It was time to renew and I updated to Internet Security 2008. I did not uninstall anything, as I am not the one that put Bitdefender on this computer and wouldn't know how to uninstall it.

    When I try to update sometimes it updates, but usually I show an "HTTP error 404". It is always when there is just 1 file left to download. (netsf.inf which is only a 1kb file)


  • i dont know.... i just download from the site,


  • We will find one solution as soon as we know if this is a v.11 strictly problem or it's related to the previous versions installed. That's why I'm asking you for this, so that I can help.

  • Clean install of Total Security 2008 with no previous beta installations - update working normally with default servers.

  • The situation has been resolved and was caused, as far as we can tell, because of a file still present on an update server after deletion. The problem appears only in firewall_11 so if you already had updated for firewall_11_6 you shouldn't have that problem anymore.

    We would like to know the build you have installed from the about section, the version for livesrv.exe and maybe if you can a log for livesrv.

    This issue is currently in testing and will soon be resolved.

  • The situation has been resolved and was caused, as far as we can tell, because of a file still present on an update server after deletion. The problem appears only in firewall_11 so if you already had updated for firewall_11_6 you shouldn't have that problem anymore.

    We would like to know the build you have installed from the about section, the version for livesrv.exe and maybe if you can a log for livesrv.

    This issue is currently in testing and will soon be resolved.

    I just updated successfully. I believe the problem in fixed.


    I don't know what info you want. I don't know "about section" or "version" I have.

    Look at my post on this thread a couple of posts back.


  • Right click on your tray icon of BitDefender and select About. Then you will get this:


    Also you can see the vsserv version from C:\Program Files\BitDefender\BitDefender 2008\vsserv.exe right click on it and then right click select properties and after that click on the version tab, like so:


    But this information I need from the people that haven't resolved this problem.

  • I know you said you want info from people that still have a problem, But for your information I have version

    I do have one other issue:

    MOST times when you try to update from the first screen (with the red/green indicators) the update stops at 12% and just sits there. If you go into settings, then update, then "update now", it works from there. Since I can just update from there, it is not a real problem. Maybe it helps someone.

    Thank 4 your help,


  • Hi,

    I have the same problem too with my computers. I get the same message: "HTTP error 403".

    My version is:

    I sent my information to the support on the 30th of October!! I still haven't recieved any reply for to help to resolve this problem. Maybe somebody here can help me. :wacko:


  • Hi, are you sure you're getting the error 403? Because this thread is about error 404, which is a different thing. Anyway, did you read the first page of this thread, and did you try what I suggested here: ?

  • Hi bluesprite,

    yes I had found them answers. I tried them, but it still didn't work! :wacko:

    A few days ago it worked for a couple of days! :rolleyes: I thought it was (finally) over,... But two days ago I had the same problem again: "HTTP error 403".



  • sww001
    edited December 2007


    still no answer for my problem here?!? <img class=" />:huh:

    Hi bluesprite,

    yes I had found them answers. I tried them, but it still didn't work! :wacko:

    A few days ago it worked for a couple of days! :rolleyes: I thought it was (finally) over,... But two days ago I had the same problem again: "HTTP error 403".



  • @all,

    I just tried the livesupport! After a couple of minutes somebody finally showed up (James). I had my questions already written. I didn't recieve any answer at all. He just left.

    Boh, that sure is some kind of support.

    I have been having problems with IS 2008 since about 4 weeks and nobody here can help me.

    I just don't know what to say....


  • Hi,

    I guess nobody is able to help solve my problem that I have been having now for over 4 weeks!!


  • Hi,

    is there anybody today that is able to help solve my problem that I have been having now for over 4 weeks!!


  • Hi,

    anybody here today that can help me. I just tried and deinstalled the version of BD Internet Sec 2008 with a tool from you. Rebootet the system and installed BD Internet Sec. 2008 again. Now I don't even have any Firewall any more! Boh its getting worse and worse.



  • I have been having the same problem and just figured out how to fix it.

    Go to your update url and your alternate update url and change from update to upgrade.That fixed mine.

    Mine was originally update but I had to change from upgrade to update to fix another problem.this program is weird.