

  • Thanks Dany, Not a matter of trust, really. A BSOD is a major issue, and I can solve it most simply by removing BD. Sorry it didn't work out...I will await e-mail from Sales.
  • @Tim: Please send me the dump file and Yes, I would like to also start a remote session and gather all the logs I need and also try few workarounds to see the results. When you have sent the email also send me a PM with the ticket ID. Thanks! Hi Dany, I have consulted with my computer guy, and on his advice would rather…
  • Thanks Daniel, I wanted to give this one more shot, so after deleting those Temp files, I did a full uninstall, reinstalled using IE/run files (rather than Chrome/save files), everything seemed fine! Did an update, restarted, and then... ...Blue screen of death with a "stop error" related to ndis.sys. @#$%! This is really…
  • Hi Daniel, I sent the additional information you requested on Sept 26, please let me know how it's going. I accept that not everyone can receive immediate support, but do please note I purchased this product on Sept 06, first reported my problem on Sept 10, and the product has still never been successfully installed on my…
  • Hi Daniel, Bumping this again, just in case you missed My e-mail. I sent the request files on Sept 20. Ticket ID:201009101015254. Please let me know what's going on, product is still not installed. Note that means I don't have any recent updates. Thanks, anxiously awaiting resolution on this.
  • Hi Daniel, Just wanted to bump this and remind you that the issue on my Win7 machine remains unresolved. Still "Not Responding" after several restarts. Of course recent updates have not been getting through. So BD has never been properly installed on this machine. Thought you might have lost track of this, as the problem…
  • Thanks Daniel, I just sent the log. As you will see, the XP machine now seems to be working. See my note...a new update was installed today as well. Forgot to mention that I did still get the invalid license warning, but it got past that. LMK if any thoughts. The "services not responding" problem on the Win7 machine is…
  • Thanks Dany, I just sent the requested files. Just fyi, the tool did not run as described in your e-mail, see my note. I am guessing this is why my original support request (which was on Weds 8 Sept) did not receive any response. Looking forward to getting BD running properly!
  • Kind of surprised I haven't received any response yet, problem is still there. This is on a Win7 64 machine. I also have BD on an Xp3 machine, which seems to be working fine. I have filed a second support request, ticket number 201009101015254 Any help appreciated, this problem has been going on for several days now.…
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