Bit Defender Services Are Not Responding

Please help with this installation problem. I am in Win7, haven't been able to get the product up and running yet. I thought I filed a support request yesterday, have yet to hear from anyone. "vsserv.exe is unavailable," etc. I have reinstalled x2. Pls advise, thanks...



  • Kind of surprised I haven't received any response yet, problem is still there. This is on a Win7 64 machine. I also have BD on an Xp3 machine, which seems to be working fine.

    I have filed a second support request, ticket number 201009101015254

    Any help appreciated, this problem has been going on for several days now.

    Bitdefender came highly recommended, I'm disappointed to encounter such a serious problem right away and at the slow response.

  • Hello,

    First and foremost be kindly informed that the average response time is 48 hours. I have taken ownership of the ticket ID you gave me and sent you instructions on how to further investigate this matter.

    Please reply to my email with the requested log files.

    Kind regards,

  • Thanks Dany,

    I just sent the requested files. Just fyi, the tool did not run as described in your e-mail, see my note. I am guessing this is why my original support request (which was on Weds 8 Sept) did not receive any response. Looking forward to getting BD running properly!

  • Hi Daniel,

    Just wanted to bump this and remind you that the issue on my Win7 machine remains unresolved. Still "Not Responding" after several restarts. Of course recent updates have not been getting through. So BD has never been properly installed on this machine.

    Thought you might have lost track of this, as the problem with my XP computer does seem to be resolved. Any update appreciated, thanks.

  • Hi,

    1. Download this file:

    2. Locate and open 'Sysdump.exe'

    3. A command prompt window will appear on your screen. Please note that the information gathering process can take several minutes therefore please wait until the window disappear by itself.

    4. The result will be the file called 'SYSDUMP.TAR'

    5. When you have the sysdump.tar please upload it HERE

    6. Include a DETAILED description of the issue you encounter: reproduce the steps you take until the issue occur and, if possible, enclose a screenshot of any error message you receive.

    7. Send me a PM (private message) with the download link

    Looking forward to your answer!