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  • Cris attempted the above mentioned steps still cannot host a game.
  • This is what the log says Cris. In bd2009 I am still having the same issue. I tried disabling the firewall in its entirety (still doesn't help). The only way I can host a game is if I uninstall bitdefender altogether. 2009/05/10 16:44:06.531 [bDFTDIF][ADDRESS] Opening UDP4 port. (address = 2009/05/10…
  • Yes Cris per the previous topic i linked too. I tried all of those. They do not fix the issue. Also I no longer have a router.
  • If you have Enable Internet Connection Sharing enabled in BitDefender (Firewall -> Advanced) and you don't need it, try to disable it. There were some other topics on the forum saying that this option somehow blocks some connections (I don't know why). Cris. Thanks again for trying Cris this did not work though. I…
  • Hello Tokool, Maybe that not the application that's actually making the connections? Anyway, if all the time the same port 6112 is used, and that port doesn't vary, create a special rule for it, like this: - press Add rule - select the checkbox Any application - select Allow as the action - select Both as Direction -…
  • Still have not found a resolution to my problem any new ideas will certainly help and be appreciated.
  • Even more strangeness! I am now having trouble occasionally when I try to log onto the game server itself as well as really sluggish connections to the internet. What is going on with BD? Does anyone have any insight into what these messages mean? Mind you I already reinstalled BD (with the uninstall tool) after the tech…
  • To host a game you need to open your ports, you might want to check this site out: Port Forwarding helps you to open up a port in your router or firewall so that you can host online games. Yup, I already forwarded my ports. The thing is it worked fine with McAfee's firewall and then I…
  • It's not the firewall's job to open ports. Only applications open ports. The firewall's job is only to allow/block specific applications to open specific ports. If you followed the above rules, the application will have the liberty of opening any ports is needs, whenever it needs them. Also, you could try disabling Stealth…
  • I also have issues with spyware doctor and bit defender playing nice. It would cause ridiculously long boot times when I had spy doctor start up on boot. Then it would lag my system down so much I could barely do nothing. The way I got around it was disabling spy ware doctor and enabling it after the PC started up (making…
  • I've downloaded and am running BitDefender Internet Security 2008 Trial. So far I like the way it works with a simplistic interface and it's not a resource hog. My question is regarding *.rar files. When downloading anything from the internet, I check it for a virus before opening. After downloading and manually scanning a…
  • Read this: Faq - Bd Firewall Blocks An Application From Connecting I attempted this and it did not stop blocking the ports. I tried reinstalling Bitdefender (after asking BD tech support) and I still cannot host a game. It was easy with Mcafee I just opened a port and it worked does BD have any port opening function? Ok,…
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