xxplayxx ✭✭


  • Thanks for the reply ONT. Can anyone guide me on how to disable it through MyBitdefender.com? When I go to it, it forces me to create a child profile and I'm not seeing the options to disable it. Thanks
  • I think I may have found a short term fix for anyone experiencing the same problem I'm having - I updated the BitDefender Virus Shield service to restart if the service encounters a failure. BitDefender would not let me update the service until I restarted Win 7 in safe mode. After updating the service in safe mode and…
  • Hello, This may have been added by someone already as I did not read all 11 pages of this thread. I'm running windows 7 64bit and have started to experience this problem as well. I've noticed through event viewer that every time Bitdefender antivirus 2010 has stopped working, 1 sec prior to it there has been a security…
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