Please Post Here The Bugs You Found In The 2008 Line
hello, i dont think the events and history is fully working in the new 2008 suite, my update section only labels 'one update' since installation, just a little quirk ive noticed that hopefully will get fixed. last update at the moment is 22:53 yet the log still only states the first update it did, which is surely incorrect…
Identity Control
bitdefender need to find an easier way to add an exception when a website is blocked. ive tried to add different variations for gamespot, and it still blocks my login because of my 'email' identity control. ive tried adding "http://uk.gamespot.com/" and "www.gamespot.com" and still, it does not load up. any help, for…
Bd Spam Toolbar For Windows Mail
hi BD, im trying IS 2008, and.... im still getting a delay for the toolbar in windows mail, vista home premium. (im not sure if it does it on XP aswell) ive tried formatting, re-installing BD and the toolbar still loads too slowly for windows mail. surely it should load straight away, it should be instant, i shouldnt have…
Bitdefender Upgrade?
hi, im thinking of buying a BD licence, im interested in 'Bitdefender PLUS', but before i do get one..... what will it be upgraded to? i hope its not the total security 2008, as i dont like this. could someone please just tell me.