How do i report dodgy looking text message links
Hi , I've went to the report page to report a message which came to me from my post office but the link looks suspicious because it's asking me to pay custom's in something i didn't order . How do i report this ?
Dodgy postal link in text message
Hi , I received a text message from what looked like my postal service saying i needed to pay custom charges but i never ordered anything and the link was suspicious. I contacted my postal service and they confirmed this. Why did bit defender not pick this up ? Its that not the reason im paying for this service .
Not sure what how to fix these issues
Hi I recently installed bitdefender. It's scanned my phone and told me everything is ok and configured everything for me which was fine . When I then gave my email account it's told me there were breaches found and issues I needed to fix so when I kicked it's telling me that that was leaked through certain websites which…