Undetected Samples
Hi, I've attached some undetected samples I found on a user's computer. (also undetected by most companies, not all) I already sent a mail to your submisssion mailaddress, but post here anyway with the same samples since it appears to be a common issue lately on a lot of computers. Small, but important note: spool.exe also…
Common Undetected Samples
Attached some undetected ones, at least according to Virustotal. Especially here in Belgium and Netherlands, these ones are pretty common. Windv.exe smells like one of these Mirc-SdBots - runs as a service: "Windows Drivers Version" ATIDD.dll appears to be a bzub/Cimuz variant - or at least downloads this one since after…
Attached svdhost.exe This file is/was running from the system32 - folder Appears to be Armadillo packed. Since I don't have the resources to properly unpack it... I would love to have more info about this file. Thanks. /applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=348" data-fileid="348" rel="">svdhost.zip
Hi, Gathered mdm.exe from a terribly infected machine. It looks/appears like an SDBot variant - undetected by Bitdefender. This file was present in the %WinDir%\AppPatch folder. PeLocked (unpack this nu die. got it?) - Typical for these variants " /> Runs as the service "Machine_Dbg-Mgr", displayname "Machine Debug…