Common Undetected Samples

edited August 2007 in Malware talk

Attached some undetected ones, at least according to Virustotal.

Especially here in Belgium and Netherlands, these ones are pretty common.

Windv.exe smells like one of these Mirc-SdBots - runs as a service: "Windows Drivers Version"

ATIDD.dll appears to be a bzub/Cimuz variant - or at least downloads this one since after unpacking it has the "famous" ipvmon*.dll in its strings.

Runs as a BHO

/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=543" data-fileid="543" rel="">


  • Signed as Trojan.Downloader.Agent.CNQ and Backdoor.SdBot.BNK respectively.

    Best regards.