

  • Install and Forget. Bitdefender’s OneClick Autopilot automatically makes the best security decisions for you. These products are specifically designed to be simple automated decision free protection , if you want an AV that is fully interactive you made the wrong choice.
  • Bitdefender "think" the file CTXFIHLP.EXE (installed by my Creative SoundBlaster sound card) is a vírus! I put the file on the exception list, but the registry key to run the driver located in "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" is always deleted and on next reboot the driver…
  • Good for you being such a perfect human, continue - but I can´t wait until you begin to experience same amount of problems that I have read other customers have - as well as myself. I don´t whine - I do something about it. Something tells me (reading other threads about this and a experiencing a general lack of services)…
  • VirtMem is not a problem, I can find nothing whatever on any malware source for that file. It is as stated part of a Microsoft Fortran Power Station. Daily scans are totally unwarranted with modern AV systems , Bitdefender scans your system in the background. A quick scan once a week at most, and a full scan every 2-3…
  • The information has never been hidden or hard to find. Fact is you have never bothered to read the emails sent to you at time of purchase. Avangate send you a receipt and details of your account and what you can do within the account interface. Dealing with auto renewal is clearly set out in the email, and you have the…
  • I mailed them yesterday and they haven't responded yet. How long does it take to get answer? Several days. All I did to merge licences was to open the GUI, go to the license area, paste the new code into the box and click,"add".
    dans Merge Key Commentaire de AdrianHa août 2014
  • I have two systems running. My license for Total Security ends in 500+ days. I have been using Bitdefender since 2012. 1. Why is my desktop showing (top left) BitDefender Total Security? 2. Why is my laptop showing (top left) BitDefender Total Security 2013? Shouldn't they both say the same thing? Shouldn't they really be…
  • I bought bitdefender internet security to get protection from phishing sites because I don't want to accidentally put in my info in wrong places and lose money bitdefender does not protect you from these kind of things I want my money back, I will uninstall this program immediately and go for kaspersky or some other…
  • As an additional option, you can install a free application like Ccleaner and try using it to uninstall. I hope that helps you out. Do not follow this advice,it is the worst thing you could do. Use the uninstall tool from Bitdefender as suggested by antikythera .
  • It is your version of Flash Player you need to be worried about. Make sure you have the patched version.
  • Turn on "Safe Search" in Google. You can filter out explicit content ( and lock safe search on )
  • By the way, why is there no option to just upgrade right away to 2015? It's much easier to do this and it can cut the work in have and minimize issue. Is this something that BS is aware already? Because it is not an update or upgrade, it is an entirely new product .
  • The files should be renamed and archived within the normal Outlook locaion. The location depends on your OS. The other choice would be to remove Bitdefender from Start Up and run system restore.
  • Well goodbye BDIS 2015. I have tried installing again this morning. Full clean up and fresh install. This time the program loads, the laptop does not freeze but it is horribly slow. Web browsing is so slow it is painful. ( There are no other security programs installed.) ( BDIS 2014 ran perfectly on the same machine )…
  • Will users of BDTS 2014 get the 2015 version through automatic update? Assuming that we are still within the 3 (or 5) years license? If not, does the 2014 version need to be uninstalled before installing the 2015 version? If Yes, then will the license information get transferred automatically to the 2015…
  • BE WARNED ! Download and install at your own risk . I fully removed BDIS2014 and made a fresh install of 2015 from the downloads listed by Rampant. My machine is totally frozen and unusable. I cannot access Task manager to kill anything, the laptop is locked solid.
  • You need an antivirus designed for servers. Stick this " Windows Server 2012 what antivirus? " in Google and read the 100's of results.
  • Strange, I tried BD AV+ on Win8, and Win7 today, Opera worked fine for me. I also looked for this " system bell tray icon"? I used Google Chrome on Win7 + 8 systems, I can't see this icon anywhere.
  • Just a thought but , 1) what happens if you remove that theme ? 2) your first image is showing "about:blank ", not speed dial 3) the page that loads with AVC turned off is not speed dial , it is the " Stash" page. maybe check in " Settings" what page is actually set to load at start. (Posted using Opera 22, Win8.1 ,…
  • Please disable my account. I've tried to send a private message to a root admin, but I wasn't allowed. If you are 100% sure you will not want to use the forum again, you can simply change your email address to a fake one. As you wont be able to reactivate the account it will essentially be locked.
  • I've been running Bit Defender for about 15 months now. During that time two rootkits have found their way into my laptop with no detection from bitdefender, but today, I discovered that your product missed Luhe.Lockscreen.a trojan. My system was running like a dog for the last few days. I checked bitdefender was…
    dans Luhe.lockscreen.a Commentaire de AdrianHa juin 2014
  • Is that really the best I can expect from BITDEFENDER? As it happens I did have everything backed up on my computer but that's not the point, surely? The fact that someone somewhere has accessed my phone's memory card and either wiped it of its contents or made it no longer usable is the cause for concern and a major…
  • Same here. Opera 12 + 22 search advisor works fine. In IE11 even with BD Toolbar running, there is no Search advisor in Bing. Win8.1.1 64Bit . BDIS2014.
  • I use Opera 12.17 and Opera 22 ( latest release ) and have never encountered any issue with Bitdefender. Win 8.1.1 64Bit . Bitdefender Internet Security 2014 with AVC set to Aggressive.
  • I am furious with Bitdefender. After installing their trial security software on my Samsung mobile yesterday, today I discover all my data on the 32 gbytes SD card has been removed and the card is no longer accessible, either in my mobile or on my computer. This software is supposed to protect my information, NOT delete…
  • Guys what is the truth about Trojans being found inside the VLC media player / download? I hear all kinds of stories on the web. Does anyone know what is going on here? I had tea with Elvis and Lord Lucan the other day ............. The internet is 90% poo and conspiracy theories. Programs and apps are being reported as…
  • is there any way to do various scans via the command line (in a batch file)?? many thanks... >> << The Command Line Scanner is no longer available in Bitdefender.
    dans Command Line Scan Commentaire de AdrianHa juin 2014
  • Hi, I'm new to bit defender and trying to find more about it. Can you point to me whats the difference between free version and paid version? One more thing, there are a feature called "Two-way Firewall" in your internet security. It said "monitor your Internet connections and keeps strangers from accessing your Wi-Fi…
  • I may be stupid but is there a way to tell BD to not load at startup? I need to run some diagnostics & repair tools that BD may think are bad. So, I need to not load at startup but load after I'm done. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Tnx, Dusty Yes. same for any other program, use msconfig to set boot without BD,…
    dans Is There A Way? Commentaire de AdrianHa mai 2014
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