Même problème chez moi, sur plusieurs machines. J'ai rebooté mes machines, rien n'y fait. Un petit problème de serveur ?
Hi Niels, The situation is getting worst. This week-end I could use my computer normaly, but I didn't do very much. Today I found it freezed, and must reboot it (I couldn't launch fileinfo2008 and sysdump). Now after reboot, the BIS2008 is unusable, I can't reactivate it. I launched now fileinfo2008 and sysdump. I loaded…
Hi Niels, The situation is getting worst. This week-end I could use my computer normaly, but I didn't do very much. Today I found it freezed, and must reboot it (I couldn't launch fileinfo2008 and sysdump). Now after reboot, the BIS2008 is unusable, I can't reactivate it. I launched now fileinfo2008 and sysdump. I loaded…
Hello paschacla, Where exactly does your computer hang? Are you still on your desktop? Do you already see the message logging-out orWindows is shutting down? Can you please do what is written here.You can still do this when you are still on your desktop. Normally when you see that message you are able to press on end task…
Here I am : I downloaded the uninstall tool, and uninstall, reboot, reinstall BIS2008. Everything worked fine. I began to "work" with my machine, launch Itunes, Firefox, listen to music, read some mails on internet, loaded some music in Itunes. Nothing special... Finally I wanted to make a synchronisation with my Ipod,…
Hello paschacla, Do you have other user accounts installed on your computer? If that is the case a possible case is that one of the user account profiles isn't unloaded and that can cause a shutdown hang. To solve that download and install this service. Once you went trough the microsoft validation download…
What other security software are you using? What other security software have you used before BD and have you cleaned them properly? More details. Currently I dont have any other security software. I installed BIS2008 on a clean machine (fresh install about 3 month from now), and the problem shows only since a few days.…