This forum is intended only for users who post a solution for a problem, or some advices, and not for asking help. Please do not ask for help here! Instead, open them on an approriate forum (General Talk, Malware Talk etc.), and you will receive replyes there. Thank you!
Viewing All Running Processes With All Loaded Libraries
Many times, your computer just goes crazy, it has an unusual behaviour and you don't know why. Many times, a malware is the source of all this. If you don't seem to find the source of the problems, if you don't see any suspect process running, most probably the malware is a library file loaded by other processes, many…
Upgrade & licenta
Salut! Tocmai am dat 120 RON pe un pachet BD10 PLUS (mai mult pt. cheia de inregistrare, m-Am saturat sa tot prelungesc cu 30 de zile folosind cheile din XPC... ). Intrebarea mea este daca cheia va fi valabila dupa un upgrade la BD11? Sincer, nu cred ca voi mai da bani pt. inca un AV (din nou, mai mult pt. cheie...), mai…
How To Scan Your Pc With Bitdefender In Safe Mode
This topic describes how to BOOT your PC in safe mode and how to make a deep scan of all hard-drives with BitDefender. Restart your computer. Before the BOOT-screen appears, press F8 several times, until a menu appears. From the menu select "Safe Mode", and press <enter> to continue. After Windows has loaded, a dialog box…
Cel mai "tare" virus din istorie
As vrea sa va cer si eu parerea in ceea ce priveste cel mai "tare" virus din istorie. Nu ma refer aici neaparat la pagubele produse. Parerea mea ca intre acestia se inscriu KOH, Jerusalem I Love You si Netsky.
The best virus in history?
Which do you think are the best viruses in history? My opinion is that 5 of the most widespread viruses were KOH, Stoned, I Love You, Netsky and SObig. What is your opinion?
Mic bug
Buna ziua! As vrea sa va spun si eu de un mic bug la softul vostru. De ex. avem un mic virus de DOS, care este encriptat (tehnici minime de encriptie, ne-polimorfic). Softul dumneavoastra il detecteaza totdeauna, ceva de genul "BehavesLike: DOS File Infector". Acum se pune problema: daca se adauga in cod o secventa de…