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BitDefFan2014 · Defender of the month · ✭✭✭


  • Hey @Otter2020 Please visit this MS answer section and follow the instructions provided by the moderator. It should work like a charm.
  • @Flexx We are talking about my deleted comments, somebody deleted two of them. I will take screenshots from now on. Those comments indeed, now they are all reinstated, thanks!
  • Hey guys, thanks for responding. Yes @Alexandru_BD these are two messages I posted out of 4, they were two more on different topics and they were deleted. In one of them I was telling a user that as a general rule, it is never recommended to install two security software on the same time because sooner or later problems…
  • Blocking all the traffic has the same effect as unplugging the Ethernet cable, or switching off your wifi. What you want is to control manually the connections made from and toward your computer by various apps. This is possible if you activate the 'Alert Mode' within your firewall settings, but right now the 'Alert Mode'…
  • Try installing it from the Google Play environment and see if you get the same results.
  • As a general rule, NEVER run two security solutions in the same time on the same operating system, because sooner or later you will encounter problems.
  • I use BitDefender since 2004 and I have seen all its development from the start. Even then it used to be the safest method to protect your PC, it developed fast and nice. When the Internet Security emerged I was thrilled, the product was perfect and the firewall was indeed what we needed to enhance the online security, and…
  • I never said I have difficult to use the Paranoid mode. No difficult for me. You have not understood what I wrote. So I note again my two sentences.: Many people who want it are probably not able to use it properly. But they believe that their PC will be better protected.. Bitdefender can integrate this paranoid mode…
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