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  • Ahoi! Ich denke du suchst den Paranoia Modus (Central - Einstellungen - Allgemein - Paranoiamodus).
  • On 21.3.2017 at 4:32 PM, Michael BD said: Antwort: Man muss Netzwerkausnahmen einrichten denn diese gelten nur für den ausgewählten Adapter nicht für alle. Der eingestellte Netzwerktyp gilt nur für den jeweiligen Adapter (zumindest kann ich für jeden Adapter in der Liste einen einstellen). Wenn man die Netzwerkausnahmen…
  • /index.php?/topic/75316-fixed-bitdefender-total-security-2017-firewall-adapters-missing/&do=embed"> Der englische Thread ist jetzt als gelöst markiert. Meiner Meinung nach ist das Problem nicht hundertprozentig beseitigt, aber die Adapter sind wieder da. Ich hab in zwei längeren Posts einen Workaround und weiter bestehende…
  • 4 hours ago, Jakob said: Give it a little time - But dont get your hopes up Well, give it more time - And a couple of restarts maybee! (After all i ran only two updates, five reboots and waited about an hour.) After some more runtime, some reboots with some errors on desktop startup, it (kinda) works. 4 hours ago, Jakob…
  • Give it a little time - But dont get your hopes up Short version: After two updates and several restarts the network adapters and the settings are persistent (ignis.sys v However i still have two errors (maybee connected) , four questions and a suggestion (actually more, but lets start with these) Errors: 1. If…
  • Ahoi! Normally you would set your network connection to a trusted network type in the firewall network adapter settings. This should do the trick, maybee you will have to set an exception for the scanner on the network adapter. This SHOULD be the solution, but because of a currently not fixed BUG discussed here:…
  • 14 minutes ago, Sorin G. said: Hello, Please contact our support team via with the logs from the Bitdefender Support Tool to be able to investigate this issue. Hi Sorin, done. Two days ago i also submitted a report directly…
  • 44 minutes ago, Sorin G. said: Hello, Please run a update from the Bitdefender interface and reboot the machine afterwards. Let me know if the issue persists. Updated and rebooted twice but the network adapter list in the firewall settings is still empty (Bitdefender Internet Security 2017 Build I had a look…
  • Same problem here! Also Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1 x64 and Bitdefender Internet Security 2017. Connections to network drives (SMB) are blocked by the Bitdefender Firewall. If the Firewall is turned off, it works. The machine is connected via VPN (Cisco Any Connect). I wanted to check the Network Type for the…
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