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  • Passwort Manager - der Zwang zum Bezahlen für etwas was nur schlecht oder garnicht läuft. Hiermit tut sich Bitdefender nichts gutes. Wir sind seit Jahren Bitdefender Kunde aber wegen diese gezwungene umstellung werden wir uns nach neuem Security Produkt umschauen.
  • It is a scam, the fact is that you are removing a feature from the product and forcing users to subscribe for something that was previously part of the product. I will definitley not support this and will search for another Security product with the end of my subscription.
  • Totaly agree with Jim. Stop forcing people to use new product that does not even work properly. If you remove wallet from your Security Products it will force me also to search for another Total Security Solution. We don't want your Password Manager. Leave us the Wallet as it is and sell Password Manager to who ever wants…
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