Could Bitdefender help me to solve [url removed by @Flexx] browser hijacker!

edited September 5 in Scam Busters

[url removed by @Flexx]

Best Answer

  • Flexx
    Flexx mod
    edited September 5 Answer ✓

    Bitdefender should be able to help you remove the browser hijacker. Bitdefender is one of the best known antimalware software that also offers protection against malware and other threats, including browser hijackers.

    Here's how Bitdefender can help:

    • Scan your system: Bitdefender can scan your computer for the hijacker and other malicious files.
    • Remove threats: If Bitdefender detects the hijacker, it can remove it from your system.
    • Restore browser settings: Bitdefender may also be able to help you restore your browser settings to their defaults, which can remove any changes made by the hijacker.

    You can also check the link provided by Bitdefender support ( ) as well as one from Malwaretips support (


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