what is going on with threat detection
All my PCs that have bitdefender have gone crazy with critical notifications. Anytime I open a browser (Google/Edge etc) I get inundated with literally dozens of critical notifications about chrome.exe wapd or msedge.exe wapd. It is insane. Every time I open a new tab the same thing happens. This is ridiculous.
Literally thousands of notifications within 30 minutes if you are browsing on the web.
Hello @GRJY,
Sorry to hear this. Have a look at the below article, maybe it helps to sort this out:
Let us know if the steps were useful.
Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user
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the only thing that would seem to work is if I add it as an exception. Not sure if I should do that or not.
Literally if I open a browser and do nothing else but open it bitdefender returns about 8 critical notifications. If I open a new tab or go to YouTube, for example, it fires off another half dozen warnings for the same thing.
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I also keep getting MSEDGE.exe WAPD critical errors when I am not even using edge. EDGE is closed and Bit defender still throws criticial notificatiosn
I have literally receid about 50 msedge.exe critical warnings in about 2 minutes when EDGE isnt even open. I tried reinstalled bitdefender. Nothing works
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Anyone have a solution to this or is it better to go with different antivirus software?
Again this is the note:
"chrome.exe attempted to establish a connection relying on an untrusted certificate to wpad. We blocked the connection to keep your data safe since untrusted certificates are issued by unrecognized Certificate Authorities."
I am not a very computer smart person here. I have no idea what wpad is. like I said every computer that has bitdefender just pops these whenever you opena browser or new tab. Doesnt matter what browser. You do not even need to search anything.
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Most likely, a previous browsing session was cached. I would advise to clear the cache and cookies and reset the Edge browser, as a first step. Have you also checked the article I've shared previously?
This detection comes from the Encrypted web scan feature which you can disable (although not recommended) from the Bitdefender UI. Should you wish to disable it, go to Protection → Online Threat Prevention → Settings → turn OFF the switch for Encrypted web scan, as shown in the picture below:The thing is, most regular and well known websites have sub-domain URLs used for their newsletters, promotional campaigns and the lot. Sometimes, they are using certificates with another name than the domain used by the website and this may trigger this type of notification multiple times in a short period of time. It seems it's a very common practice now and the product developers are looking for effective ways to adapt to this and improve the notification mechanism, because the notification may be triggered for every dangerous connection attempt in some cases, which can happen continuously.
Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user