it's safe ?

Can the site or be dangerous? I'm worried about my computer because I accidentally clicked on an ad in my email that opened this site, can just entering such a site cause my computer to be infected without my knowledge? of course I didn't enter any of my data. I've just read on forums that it's a phishing site (on the virustotal site, after entering the url, it also detected that it's phishing/malicious) that sells office licenses.


  • Gjoksi
    Gjoksi Defender of the month mod


    I did a test, and indeed it's a phishing website.

    Bitdefender blocked it with this notification:

    If you have Bitdefender installed on your computer, you don't have to worry, Bitdefender will block the website and you will be safe.


  • I had Avast installed but it didn't detect anything and then the page started

  • Alexandru_BD
    Alexandru_BD admin
    edited January 15

    Bitdefender's link checker says the same thing:

    I've removed the hyperlink for this one, as we obviously don't want to have such links displayed on the forum. If they are just displayed in plain text for reference purposes, that's allowed.
    If you didn't enter any sensitive information on that page, you should be fine. Just ensure you didn't unknowingly give permission to install any dubious browser extensions from that url. And run a system scan with Bitdefender, for peace of mind.


    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • Well, I guess it's Avast 0 - 1 Bitdefender in this case. 🙂

    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • no extensions were installed, additionally I uninstalled the browser and installed it again, I'm a little afraid because I read on forums that even just entering such phishing sites can infect the computer

  • The real-time detection would have kicked in.

    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • I ran a full scan with Avast and it didn't detect anything, I hope I'm not mistaken, I also read on forums that this site sells Microsoft 365 software and then the accounts of such people were blocked after 2 months by MSK because the keys were not authorized, I didn't click anything on the site but I'm afraid that just entering the site could have also infected my computer

  • Gjoksi
    Gjoksi Defender of the month mod

    Guys, guys, wait a minute.

    Why are we talking about phising website that hasn't been detected by AVAST?

    This is a Bitdefender forum, not Avast forum.

    So, this topic has been closed for further comments.


  • The URL is indeed a phishing website.

    Additionally, the website is also detected by Malwarebytes.


    Life happens, Coffee helps!

    Show your Attitude, when you reach that Altitude!

    Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)

This discussion has been closed.