Bitdefender Internet Security blocks CAD- program
Hi there!
I´m a bit lost trying to troubleshoot a problem with my CAD-Program and Bitdefender Internet-Security on my Win 11 pro -Laptop.
My CAD-program (Megacad 2021) tries to connect to a server online to get the licence-key on every start (or alternatively I can download the license for max. 14 days). I can only do so if I switch off everything on BT-IS prior to starting the CAD. Otherwise the CAD promps "License-server not found". Lately it does so even during running the offline-license.
I tried to give exceptions for the CAD-program and the license-subprogram in BT IS but seem not to find the right spots. The Commandcenter does not show anything in the alert-section
Is there something like a protocol in BT-IS where I can see which programs have been blocked at a certain point of time?
Thanks for any hints how to solve this problem 🙂
That sounds more like an outbound connection issue, a Firewall issue? If you haven't already tried it, enable Alert mode in the Firewall settings, restart your PC then access your CAD software and see if you get a Bitdefender pop-up to allow that connection.
Kind regards.
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