Can't connect Bitdefender app on Android phone to account.

I recently updated my anti-virus subscription from 3 devices to 5 so I could have it on my phone.

I connected to my bitdefender central account on my phone and went through the hoops of installing antivirus through my subscription.

Once installed my account recognises my phone and says it's all installed and green ticked, but the bitdefender app doesn't recognise my account and says I'm on a 14 day free trial.

I haven't been sent another activation code which is the only thing I've found that would seem to get it to connect to my account.

So the question is: do I need a new activation code or is there something else that I'm not seeing?

Thanks in advance for any help.

Best Answer


  • Thanks for the reply, but the account I'm using is the same email address for all my devices.

    So on my android bitdefender security app it is the same email address as my android bd/central account app, as it is on my pc.

    I checked to see if I was getting anything extra on the first install and that was what the free trial was for, but it's offering bitdefender security which is already part of my subscription.

  • Scott
    Scott Defender of the month ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 31


    In that case I would contact support, so they could see from their end what may be going on. Tick the Account, Billing & Subscription box, go through the prompts until you get to the Contact Support button. You will be given 3 support options, Chat can be the quickest way to get things resolved, or to at least head you in the right direction (phone support is not toll-free).

    Kind regards.

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