I received the following message in Bitdefender. When I navigate to the Data folder, there is no folder "tmp" so I cannot go further to manually delete the threat. Please advise.
Follow the steps from this article:
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Also, try the following steps:
- Open Notepad, copy the code below, and save the file with any name using either a .bat or .cmd extension.
- Afterwards, run the file as an administrator. The Command Prompt will scan the entire C: drive for temporary files with the extensions .tmp and .temp, and delete them.
If there are additional drives other than C:, such as D:, E:, or F:, simply replace the C: drive letter in the code with the desired drive letter. Save the changes and run the batch file as an administrator.
@echo off
setlocalREM Set the folder path
set "folder_path=C:"REM Navigate to the specified folder
cd /d "%folder_path%" || (
echo Folder not found: "%folder_path%"
exit /b 1
)REM Delete files with specified extensions in the current folder
del /s /q /f *.tmp
del /s /q /f *.tempecho Deletion complete.
exit /b 0
Life happens, Coffee helps!
Show your Attitude, when you reach that Altitude!
Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)
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If Bitdefender is detecting JS:Trojan.Cryxos.14104 after downloading or using Null’s Brawl, it might be flagging it because of suspicious scripts in the installer or on the site you got it from. Private servers like Null’s Brawl modify game files, which can sometimes trigger antivirus warnings, even if they’re not actually harmful. To be safe, clear your browser cache, delete any suspicious files, and run a full system scan. If Bitdefender keeps flagging it, consider checking with another antivirus or deciding if it’s worth the risk.