Issue With Bd 2011 New Build

edited February 2011 in General module

After automatic update to build the IS2011 dashboard in expert view always shows zero's for "Scanned Files" and "Next Scan" fields. This is happening in 2 different computers, one with Win 7 Pro and one with Win 7 HP. These fields were properly populated in the previous build.


  • :)

    I have this problem too and it seems a few others do ( I think they'll probably fix this as soon as they can been as a handful are having the issue :). But it's probably not a priority :). I'm just glad my anti-virus is working ;)

  • Yes, I noticed that others are having the same problem. What happened to Regression Testing of new builds?

    Wikipedia says the following on Regression Testing: "The intent of regression testing is to assure that a change, such as a bugfix, did not introduce new bugs. One of the main reasons for regression testing is that it's often extremely difficult for a programmer to figure out how a change in one part of the software will manifest in other parts of the software." :rolleyes:

  • I see the support staff replying to other problems. Are we going to get a reply here with a solution here? Or even just an estimated date of repair? :unsure:


  • Hello all,

    Can you please tell me if this displaying issue is persistent after a reboot?

    Also, in order to isolate this, please also provide us with some details about your hardware and software configuration (what Operating system you are using, is it on 32 or 64 bits, what BitDefender product you have, etc).

    Thank you,


  • Hello all,

    Can you please tell me if this displaying issue is persistent after a reboot?

    Also, in order to isolate this, please also provide us with some details about your hardware and software configuration (what Operating system you are using, is it on 32 or 64 bits, what BitDefender product you have, etc).

    Thank you,



    Thanks for the reply.

    I am using BitDefender Internet Security 2011. I have rebooted many times after the update and this issue is still occuring. I have HP Pavilion Desktop, Windows 7 64-bit operating system. I reinstalled BitDefender and after the 'new build updated' it will occur again. It is working fine in the older builds.


  • DAF
    edited February 2011

    This is happening to me on 2 different computers: 1)Lenovo Thinkpad laptop with Windows 7 Professional 64, 2)eMachines desktop with Windows 7 Home Premium 64. I have rebooted both multiple times with no results. The issue started in both computers as soon as BitDefender updated to the new build. Using BitDefender Internet Security 2011.

  • Win 7 Ultimate 64 bit, reboots do not help, BitDefender antivirus 2011.

  • Hello,

    We are already aware of this issue and working on a fix. As soon as the resolution will be available, I will it post in this topic.

    Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience this issue may have caused and feel free to post any information you may find useful related to this issue as it may help us speed up the fixing process.

    Best regards,

  • I want to tell you that I have Ultimate too and it is an OEM installation. Also, I PM'd DAF and they also have an OEM installation on both of their machines. I don't know if this will help or if people with a retail version arn't experiencing the issue but thought I would post it. :)


  • I was looking at the dashboard and felt queer so im glad i found this thread.

    At the same time, when i hover across the bdis 2011 icon at taskbar, it keeps showing:

    "Bitdefender services are loading now, please wait"

    I'm able to do scan and such but the values are still noted as Zero.

    Checked with my buddy who runs on the same spec, Windows 7 Pro 64bit, same BDIS 2011 build engine 7.36309, his is showing Zero too however when he hovers over, says protected.

  • Ignore the portion i mentioned about services loading, after the 6th restart it's working fine now.

    Although still same issue where the values are zero, that's worrying.

    Does the new update fixes this as per:

  • Does the new update fixes this as per:

    I think that's the update that broke it the first place. I am running BD Antivirus version on 4 different computers, 2 win7 64, 1 vista 64, and 1 vista 32 and all have same problem.

  • Yes, the new build causes this issue. Also I want to emntion to the staff, when I open BD now and again it will show the scanned files, it's rare though. I have just been able to re-produce it and you can see a screenshot here:


  • Looking at the big picture, the fact that these statistics are not properly displayed after the last build seems trivial. But my real concern is that this functionality was working fine before the update. This tells me that a programmer broke the code when building this last one. And now I have this doubt in my head : what else was broken by this new build that is not readily apparent??? :unsure:

  • Hi,

    The issue is just a display issue. A fix for it will be released soon. None of other functions of Bitdefender were affected by this.

    DAF: if you will think that way then you will doubt about each and every update you make ? The issue is due to a XML file not being correctly saved, it has nothing to do with the PC security or integrity.

    Immaculate28: No, the fix was not released yet. I believe it will be with the next major product update.

    If you have any further queries feel free to contact us anytime!

    Best regards,

  • @DanyDan, thank you for your response! I trust BD and that's why I purchased it. I think most customers (me included) view our anti-malware solution as a "super hero" that keeps us safe. That's why we take seriously anything that looks like a defect. Keeping your customers informed and reassured is the way to go. Thanks again for doing that!

  • at today,i have the same problem with IS and W7 x64.when the fix released?

  • fretless
    edited March 2011

    no one answer me? :(

    another one consideration:

    it is sad to note that one of the best antivirus like Bitdefender has the worst interface than any other antivirus :) i hope that developers take note :)

    sorry for my bad english.i'm italian.

  • Unknown
    edited March 2011

    Hello Fretless,

    I know that you currently encounter the display issue that reset the Statistics under General -> Dashboard tab however, with all the respect but I do not agree with your statement. The issue you encounter has started to occur when the new build was released and has zero impact on your PC or BitDefender. I understand that not seeing the statistics may be frustrating however rest assure that the issue was addressed and a fix will be delivered with the next product update.

    Your feedback is taken into consideration and was sent to the respectful department. Feel free to contact us with any suggestion you may have to help us improve our products !

    Kind regards,

  • thanx Dany :)

    when an appropriate interface to a product just like yours? is really bad :)

    is not a criticism, but also the eye wants its part

    greetings from Italy :)

  • another bug:

    search advisor not working in Google with FF and IE

    using yahoo it works.why?



  • Unknown
    edited March 2011


    Not sure what you meant by 'when an appropriate interface to a product just like yours? is really bad' - would you mind explaining it please ?

    Regarding the Search Advisor, indeed, there is an issue with it. I will ask for an ETA on the fix and let you know next time I come into the office (on Wednesday).

    If you use the back button on the browser, the search advisor won't display the icons anymore. It's a known issue, issue that I believe will be resolved with the next product update.


    P.S. Lovely country Italy :)

  • fretless
    edited March 2011

    I wanted to say that the three interfaces of the program are really esthetically bad .. do not you think?

    Yes, Italy is a beautiful place, if there was a better government:)

  • Hi,

    If you have any suggestions on how to improve the look & feel of the BitDefender Security Center (interface) please let us know. I will send your suggestions to the respectful department where it will be taken into consideration for the future products.

    Best regards,

  • fretless
    edited March 2011

    there is no need to have ideas on improving the interface. just look at any other antivirus to see that the interface,unfortunately for Bitdefender,is ughly. .lt's the only flaw of this excellent product.i hope that the 2012 version is better, aesthetically . honestly, but do not you see that is ugly? :)

  • fretless
    edited March 2011
    there is no need to have ideas on improving the interface. just look at any other antivirus to see that the interface,unfortunately for Bitdefender,is ughly.(especially expert view,terrible :) )
  • fretless
    edited April 2011

    at today,with an update to,the same display issue.when a fix release???

    please,answer me!it's frustrating to see 0 scanned files!



  • edit:

    when a fix will be release for the correct visualization of the statistic?

  • edit:

    when a fix will be release for the correct visualization of the statistic?

    it is possible that two days after a customer does not receive any response on this?

  • Hello,

    I haven't answer you in the last two days because I had nothing to answer. Even with the risk of repeating myself, please bear in mind that the issue was already escalated and a fix will be delivered with the next product update. I do not have an ETA on it, however I will try to get one for you, on Tuesday, when I will be back in the office.

    I will post here as soon as I will have more details.

    Kind regards,

  • fretless
    edited April 2011

    I haven't answer you in the last two days because I had nothing to answer. Even with the risk of repeating myself, please bear in mind that the issue was already escalated and a fix will be delivered with the next product update. I do not have an ETA on it, however I will try to get one for you, on Tuesday, when I will be back in the office.

    I will post here as soon as I will have more details.

    Kind regards,

    but isn't a product update already?

  • fretless
    edited April 2011

    the days go by, old age is coming but problems viewing statistics have not yet been resolved.

    it's so difficult to release a new build?

    will be ready for the next jubilee? :)

  • Hello,

    Yes, the update was a product one. However, the statistics issue is a minor visual one, the fixes released in that build were with a bigger importance. We should have the fix for the GUI Statistics field release in the next major build update.

    I will push for an ETA on the issue after Easter and come back with a post and by PM.

    Best regards!