digital identity protection..What does it mean when impersonation check link leads to a blank page?

edited January 2022 in Digital Identity Protection

so, I don't know what to select in answer to the program's question..."If it's not your own profile, evaluate if it's somebody pretending to be you. Look for both clear similarities and clear differences." If the page is "Not Found" or simply blank, is it a concern or not??? Thank you!


  • Same issue - both the Amazon and LinkedIn hyperlinks led to "page not found" or "no matching account". None of the three options offered at Bitdefender Digital Identity Protection was an appropriate response to the question asked. Gently suggest that the frequency of that outcome should be, at a minimum, monitored by Bitdefender staff. Thank you for considering this constructive criticism. -skd

  • realfish
    edited March 2021

    same issue (I think)

    Bitdefender Central gives me this message...

    "We detected a Amazon Profile with similar data. It could be your profile, somebody with whom you share similarities or (worst case scenario) somebody impersonating you"

    When I click on the Amazon Profile link I get a page that says, "Sorry we couldn't find that page" NOTE: I am signed in to my Amazon account

    as a result I cannot answer any of the questions that Bitdefender Central asks me.

    How can I see the profile to make a decision?

    HELP! and TIA

  • Another problem with Impersonation Check...

    What about when it flags an identity and suggests you take a look? You click the button and it takes you to a sign-in page for a platform you don't have an account for? I don't have a Twitter or Instagram or Pinterest account, yet Bit Defender pegged them as possible impersonation events. How can I check those accounts out to verify they are not trying to be me? I've just signed up for Digital Identity Protection today and so far am finding it a bit difficult to follow through with some of the suggestions.

    Looks like people have been asking about this for a month and a half. Hopefully some answers will come soon.

  • I am having the same issue. I am directed to check a profile on Twitter and on Facebook both of which bear my name. However, I have neither a Twitter nor a Facebook account. This could be an impersonation attempt or a genuine individual who happens to share my name. I don't know how to resolve this issue.
  • I am having the same problem as below. Where are the answers to these posts.

    Any other online forums have answers attached to the questions.

    What about when it flags an identity and suggests you take a look? You click the button and it takes you to a sign-in page for a platform you don't have an account for? I don't have a Twitter or Instagram or Pinterest account, yet Bit Defender pegged them as possible impersonation events. How can I check those accounts out to verify they are not trying to be me? I've just signed up for Digital Identity Protection today and so far am finding it a bit difficult to follow through with some of the suggestions.

  • Hello everyone,

    You can check the article below, select the "how to use" section and let us know if it was helpful:

    There is also an FAQ article available here:


    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user