VPN/OUTLOOK 365 conflict

First time here need guidance. Having trouble with my VPN interfering with outlook 365 email. When VPN is enabled outlook mail ceases incoming until I disable VPN... I've spent 2 whole days reading all I could find (Google etc.) but nothing seems to work even down to changing SMTP Port numbers? Frustrated to say the least...


  • Hello.

    Check out these articles:


    and see if the steps in the articles will help you.


  • Hi @seadreg,

    It is possible that the email provider has blacklisted the IP of the VPN server, as this may happen.

    First thing, check if it happens when connecting to different countries. Usually this is solved if you contact the email provider and tell them to remove our IP from the blacklist.

    Then follow the steps from the articles above and let us know if they work for you.


    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • who would be the most likely email provider

  • 😴😴😴

  • I think that would be Microsoft Support, in the event the troubleshooting steps from the article do not work for you.

    You could also get in touch with the Bitdefender Technical teams for guidance, but I suspect this has to do with the email provider. Then again, we cannot be 100% sure of this, based solely on the available information. Further details might be required for a more in-depth investigation (account, servers, IPs, OS, app version, etc).

    You can get in touch with our engineers by choosing one of the contact channels available here:


    Let us know how it goes.


    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • Today, under advisement from a Google website entry I was advised to make sure my "OUTLOOK" email was up to date, consequently I progressed to download & install updates. Surprisingly this took the best part of an hour to complete, as the download & install was lengthy.

    The surprise was that it was in need of an update at all as this is a yearly subscription program and I was under the impression that the subscription covered an up-to-date remedial service to keep the OFFICE 365 programs current, including, of course, "OUTLOOK" 365...

    Since the "OUTLOOK" update has completed I have been receiving emails, noted by every "OUTLOOK" settings test, each self-test by myself via my Gmail account, and emails from BD support have been getting through to my inbox with the BD VPN enabled all day long and still is, deliberately trialing the longevity of the connection...

    I will now wait and see what eventuates tomorrow morning with a night of complete shut down, and hopefully things may have righted themselves...

    Thank you for your assistance so far, and watch this space for further info if things go belly up overnight...

    Seadreg :)

  • Thanks for sharing your findings @seadreg ! So the VPN is innocent! 😄

    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • Good morning Alexandru,

    0515 in Perth Western Australia and yes it would appear the VPN "looks innocent" at this stage :)...

    I booted my 'puter at 0430 this morning and enabled VPN straight away, 5 emails immediately appeared on my inbox including your reply to my last night email :)...

    I will continue to evaluate during the day, and hopefully it will continue to improve, which begs the question, how much of an effect does lack of updating of "OUTLOOK 365" (Subscribed version) have on the efficiency of BD VPN...

    Too soon to gloat over a successful outcome, but one can hope... :)

    Possibly of interest to some, I did change my OUTGOING SMTP port, as advised by a Googled web answer, from "465 SSL/TLS to 587 STARTTLS", my INCOMING port remains at 993 SSL/TLS (IMAP)...

    Any changes, I will update you...

    John (seadreg)

    PS. Another test email from my OUTLOOK settings has just come through... :)

  • Yes, I think this experience emphasizes on the overall importance of updates that may play a big role in how other apps perform. Not to mention that, known vulnerabilities can also be addressed with the latest available builds, so really they give peace of mind. It's good to know that the VPN is working as expected for now and if it doesn't, surely there are steps to fix it.

    Cheers 🙂

    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user