App lock not working



  • FrustratedUser19
    edited September 6

    To Alexandru_BD,

    I see in the Google Play store, via my laptop, that the BitDefender Mobile Security app was allegedly updated on August 30, 2024 (see page 4 of the attached). However, the app on my phone still shows the older version from July 29, 2024, and when I go to the Google Play Store on my phone, there is no update for the app. It is still showing July 29, 2024, as the most recent version available (see attached).

    When will this be fixed?

    One point to note, on August 20, in your initial response to everyone in this group, you said, "Nobody is making excuses here and you are right to be angry about what happened. But I would appreciate a more supportive attitude towards this, because these people are doing what they can to release the fix asap."

    I explained how we would not be as angry if there were updates to the group and better communication. You seemed to agree. Unfortunately, the continued lack of communication is making everyone upset again.

  • that and the fact that it was working before the update which seemed to break it….

  • Can you check the Bitdefender version that is showing up on the Google Play Store and the one appearing in your Bitdefender product? I would have checked it myself, but I am a beta tester and am on a much higher version than the one available for stable users.


    Life happens, Coffee helps!

    Show your Attitude, when you reach that Altitude!

    Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)

  • on phone

    same on playstore dated 29 Jul 2024

  • I checked it on my other Android devices that are on the stable build, and the version stated is correct. The latest version is indeed, and the update is from August 30, 2024. Kindly have a look at the image shared below.

    I'm not too sure, but the update might have been available for you on August 29th, 2024, while for me it was available on August 30th, 2024, due to the timezone difference between countries. @Alexandru_BD, @agozob, what are your thoughts on this?


    Life happens, Coffee helps!

    Show your Attitude, when you reach that Altitude!

    Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)

  • Davidwf
    edited September 6

    looking at the start of this thread it says

    1. Go to Settings and scroll down to Installed Apps;
    2. Tap on Bitdefender Security;
    3. Tap on Permissions;
    4. Make sure that the Display pop-up window permission is enabled; if not, please tap on it and set it to Accept.

    I do not have the pop up window setting…….could that be why its not working?

    edit…. I have now set it to use biometrics and my bank app (RBS) is going mental….using facial recognition it is intermittently telling me there is a technical error (attached) ….sometimes it works first time sometimes not at all….. very frustrating

  • at the start of thi thread it says

    1. Go to Settings and scroll down to Installed Apps;
    2. Tap on Bitdefender Security;
    3. Tap on Permissions;
    4. Make sure that the Display pop-up window permission is enabled; if not, please tap on it and set it to Accept.

    I do not have that option

  • I changed from PIN to biometrics and the applock does sometimes work but my banking app then throws an error suggesting I am not connected properly…..

  • I tried using biometrics (instead of PIN) but the banking app throws up an error saying I am not connected properly….tried uploading a screenshot but it doesnt work!

  • Here is what I know:

    1. The App Lock app was still having issues on August 20, 2024, when I posted my first message.
    2. I took a screenshot, for my records, on that date so I could confirm if an update was ever completed and installed. That version on August 20, 2024, at 2:15 PM EST was
    3. I checked for updates on my phone around and after September 1, 2024, but it was not updated.
    4. I checked the Google Play Store on my phone on September 6, 2024, to see if there was an update in case the auto-update did not get pushed. It still showed the old version with a July 29, 2024 date.
    5. I checked the version on the Google Play Store on my laptop on September 6, 2024, and while it showed an update on August 30, 2024, the version was still the same as before.
    6. My BitDefender product on my phone shows version as of this message.
    7. We receive no updates to our concerns when we post messages on this issue.
    8. I posted images in an earlier message on this thread, as of September 6, 2024, as to what is on the Google Play Store on my phone and what is shown on my laptop. I do not know why there is a discrepancy in the "updated" date, but they both show the version from July 29, 2024. The August 30, 2024 date shown in the Google Play version on my laptop does not make any sense as it is what was on my phone on August 20, 2024.

  • FrustratedUser19
    edited September 7

    Here is what I know:

    On August 20, 2024, at 2:15 EST my version was As of this message, it is still the same version. I do not know why the Google Play Store, via my laptop, shows an updated version date of August 30, 2024, and the Google Play Store, via my phone, shows the version as of July 29, 2024, but regardless, they both show the same version number as is still on my phone as of August 20, 2024. Nothing was updated.

  • btomaz
    edited September 7

    I suggest moving the debate about the issue of versioning to separate topic. This topic is about non-woking feature which is still not functional. Mixing different issues will break the thread.

  • Davidwf
    edited September 7

    finally managed to upload this error that i see when using applock on my banking app….sometimes it happens, sometimes not….. byt NEVER when applock is not in use

  • To btomaz:

    I only mentioned my version numbers to prove the software I have on my phone is still the same today as it was on August 20, 2024. This conversation is still about the Aop Lock feature not working all of the time and how we were told on August 20 that a fix was found and it would be pushed out around the end of August.

  • at the start of this thread it says

    1. Go to Settings and scroll down to Installed Apps;
    2. Tap on Bitdefender Security;
    3. Tap on Permissions;
    4. Make sure that the Display pop-up window permission is enabled; if not, please tap on it and set it to Accept.

    I do not have that setting……..

    have changed to biometrics (from PIN) and my banking app goes mental when I try to use face recognition - all other apps that need it work OK

  • I tried biometrics (was using PIN) and the app lock does intermittently work….but then using facial recognition I get this

  • The update arrived on Google Play last night and seems to be working as expected.

  • I just checked my phone, and my app still has the same version as before. I also checked to see if any updates in the Google Play Store have not been pushed to me yet. Unfortunately, the Google Play Store still shows July 29, 2024, and the version I have as the most up-to-date one available. I have a Galaxy S23.

  • Google Play Store for me shows Sept 6, 2024. I'm a Pixel 6.

  • We are just users posting here. There is no interest in fixing this issue. The money comes from the Brand, BitDefender is already established. As annoying as it is, that this feature is not working, I am not looking forward to change to a different antivirus right now, and they know it.

    Most users are not interested in the feature and if they were, they gave up already.

  • Flexx
    Flexx mod
    edited September 11

    Could you all check and share the details of the Bitdefender app version that is appearing in your Google Play Store and in the product's 'About' section?

    As far as my Bitdefender product version goes, the image below is from the Google Play Store, and the same version is showing in my Bitdefender app as well.

    Additionally, the forum admin, @Alexandru_BD, can provide more information on this.


    Life happens, Coffee helps!

    Show your Attitude, when you reach that Altitude!

    Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)

  • I have the exact same version as you. My screenshot would be exactly the same

  • Everything, for the most part, I wrote in my September 6, 2024 post with attachments is still the same. Version (the one on my phone since at least July 29, 2024) is still showing as the most up-to-date one in the Google Play Store on both my phone and my laptop. However, while the version has not changed the updated date has as it now shows September 6, 2024, just on my laptop. Four days ago, it showed August 30, 2024. On my phone, it still shows July 29, 2024. See attachments.

    I am in the U.S. so I do not know if that matters when accessing the Google Play Store.


  • btomaz
    edited September 10

    Shall we return to the original topic about non-functional App Lock feature. Who cares which version is shown on your device. The main concern is if AL is working or not. There is still nothing from Alexandru or anyone from BD.

  • BTW, I had version on my phone on August 20, 2024. I know this because I took a screenshot of it when I first posted on this board, so I could verify if/when an update was pushed to my phone. See the two attachments.

  • To btomaz,

    The version matters because it shows if an update to fix the App Lock feature was possibly updated as it was promised it would be by the end of August. The fact my version in the app and in the Google Play Store is the same as it was on July 29, 2024, and August 20, 2024, shows it was not updated.

    I do not know why you get frustrated when we mention the version numbers and dates, as that is relevant.

  • btomaz
    edited September 10

    I am frustrated as we now have a flood of screenshots showing versions reported on different devices. The only important thing is whether AL is working or not. When someone will discover that AL is actually working, then the version will matter.

  • To btomaz,

    Fair enough. I only mentioned versions as I thought the admin from BD would see it as he stated it would be updated by the end of August, and I wanted to show how it wasn't.

  • @agozob, @Alexandru_BD, can you check on this post?


    Life happens, Coffee helps!

    Show your Attitude, when you reach that Altitude!

    Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)

  • My concern is that the App Lock feature only works sporadically. It seems like everytime the developers make a new update or change to the Bitdefender program, the App Lock feature stops working. If I can not rely on the App Lock feature all the time, it is a worthless feature to have.

    What I want is for the developers to make sure the App Lock feature works on android phones before releasing any new updates.

  • Hello,

    I realize you've been waiting a long time and It must be frustrating. I know I said the fix was scheduled for the end of August, but it's not ready yet and there are still some tests that need to be completed. Testing an app, feature or fix across the multitude of Android devices and configurations poses a significant challenge for the developers, as you can imagine. There are so many different Android devices, each with unique screen sizes, resolutions, processors, RAM, storage, sensors, and more. This hardware diversity makes it difficult to ensure that a feature performs well on ALL devices ALL of the time, so as a developer you need to make sure of that. Otherwise, any problem you think you've fixed now may resurface later on and this is exactly what they wish to avoid.

    Also, I think we must take into account that although Google releases new versions of Android regularly, not all devices receive updates at the same pace. This leads to a variety of OS versions in use, and developers must ensure compatibility across older and newer versions. Many Android device manufacturers (e.g., Samsung, Xiaomi, Huawei) customize the Android OS with their own user interfaces, features, and optimizations. These custom ROMs can introduce variations in how apps/features behave, adding to the complexity of testing.

    And the list goes on, really. Now, I'm not making excuses for them, nor pointing a finger elsewhere, but I wanted to show you the bigger picture. Yes, the feature doesn't work and yes, it's frustrating and you are right to be upset about it, but there's really nothing myself or anyone else here can do about it at this time, since there are no news yet. That's why I didn't post any updates on this thread. I do follow the thread, of course, but unfortunately I had nothing new to say and all we can do now is wait..

    Thank you all for your patience.

    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • To Alexandru_BD,

    What happened to the fix you said the development team found already that was to be released by the end of August, per your message on August 20? Why would you tell us that if it was not an accurate statement?

    While you just said, and I agree, that, "Testing an app, feature or fix across the multitude of Android devices and configurations poses a significant challenge for the developers, as you can imagine. There are so many different Android devices, each with unique screen sizes, resolutions, processors, RAM, storage, sensors, and more. This hardware diversity makes it difficult to ensure that a feature performs well on ALL devices ALL of the time, so as a developer you need to make sure of that. Otherwise, any problem you think you've fixed now may resurface later on and this is exactly what they wish to avoid", I, and everyone else, assumed that was properly done when we were told a fix would be released at the end of August.

    We would have all appreciated it if we had been told earlier that a fix would now not be released as promised and why. Once again, while we are all anxious about wanting this part of the software fixed, it is the lack of communication that is more frustrating.

  • Bitdenfender should hire staff who can solve the problem and not leave it to interns or ******.

    Bitdefender is supposed to be a professional service, not a high school tech project..Anyone who works for BotDefender should be ashamed of the kindergarden schiol level of tech skills.

  • I was informed, in turn, that this is the release date they were aiming for. But as it sometimes happens with software development, delays may occur and it is precisely for this reason that we don't wish to set a date in stone in order not to create expectations that may not be met for various reasons. Like it happened now and I apologize for that.
    They are doing everything in their power to push this fix asap.

    I have no further comments to make at this time, but I will let you know once this is fixed.


    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user