Real-time Protection Is Disabled

edited September 2010 in Old topics

OK, now I am having a problem on my XP3 computer! In addition to the installation error reported on my Win7 computer.

Today I had a stop error requiring computer restart. Now I am getting "Real-time protection is disabled," and the problem cannot be fixed. See screenshot. I also had the invalid license warning.

???? Seems like a lot of problems with BD IS 2011. The 2010 trial product was working fine, nothing but problems since I bought IS 2011. :(



  • Hi Tim,

    Please follow the steps again and send me a set of logs for this computer as you did with the one with Windows 7. Send it as a reply to the ticket ID: 201009101015254 that we have open.


  • Thanks Daniel,

    I just sent the log. As you will see, the XP machine now seems to be working. :) See my note...a new update was installed today as well.

    Forgot to mention that I did still get the invalid license warning, but it got past that. LMK if any thoughts.

    The "services not responding" problem on the Win7 machine is still there after a fresh restart, btw.

  • Hi Tim,

    Please reply to the last email you received from me and send me full generated logs from the Windows7 machine that you have issues with. As soon as the analysis will be complete you will have my answer via email.


  • I have the same problem too. I sent an email but I have never get answer which solve my problem.

  • Hi Aviad,

    Be kindly informed that you had 2 open tickets under the same email address, working with two different engineers. I merged them into a single case and took ownership of it. You mention an error message at the middle of the scan. Is it always at the same file ? Try to note down the path when the scan is encountering an error.

    Also try to perform all types of scan and see if the issue reproduce with all of them: Deep system scan, Full system scan and Quick system scan.

    I have sent you instructions on how to generate two sets of logs: SupportTool and autoruns. Follow the steps enclosed in my email and provide me with the requested files. As soon as my analysis will be complete you will have my answer via email.


  • Hi Daniel,

    Bumping this again, just in case you missed My e-mail. I sent the request files on Sept 20. Ticket ID:201009101015254.

    Please let me know what's going on, product is still not installed. Note that means I don't have any recent updates.

    Thanks, anxiously awaiting resolution on this.

  • Haven't forgotten about you, just trying to send an answer to everyone as much as possible in the same order as they asked for assistance. I'm sorry if my answer may come sometimes with a small delay.

    You have my reply via email.


  • Hi Daniel,

    I sent the additional information you requested on Sept 26, please let me know how it's going.

    I accept that not everyone can receive immediate support, but do please note I purchased this product on Sept 06, first reported my problem on Sept 10, and the product has still never been successfully installed on my Windows 7 computer.

    Can we please escalate or expedite this request? If the problem can't be definitely resolved today or tomorrow, I'm going to need to request a refund.

  • Hello Tim,

    The issue has been already escalated to the Developing team and a resolution is waited to be release. If you do not wish to wait for it and request a refund please reply to my email and confirm it.

    [14:37:06:124] [sETUP] Package file name is: C:\Users\TOB\AppData\Local\Temp\RarSFX1\setupdownloader.exe

    What is the name of the installation kit you are running when installing BitDefender ? Have you run the file instead of saving it first on your PC? Delete the entire content of the Temp folder from:


    Please check your email for further instructions.

  • Thanks Daniel,

    I wanted to give this one more shot, so after deleting those Temp files, I did a full uninstall, reinstalled using IE/run files (rather than Chrome/save files), everything seemed fine! Did an update, restarted, and then...

    ...Blue screen of death with a "stop error" related to ndis.sys. @#$%! This is really above my level of knowledge to troubleshoot...I gather it has to do with the Network Interface Card. So disappointing! I restarted with last good configuration, but of course the BD error is back

    Let me know if you think this is a BD issue, and if so what you think the next step should be (eg, remote assistance); or if you think it's an issue with my computer and I need to seek live help here. I have found the dmp file, can e-mail it to you if you want.

  • Thanks Daniel,

    I wanted to give this one more shot, so after deleting those Temp files, I did a full uninstall, reinstalled using IE/run files (rather than Chrome/save files), everything seemed fine! Did an update, restarted, and then...

    ...Blue screen of death with a "stop error" related to ndis.sys. @#$%! This is really above my level of knowledge to troubleshoot...I gather it has to do with the Network Interface Card. So disappointing! I restarted with last good configuration, but of course the BD error is back

    Let me know if you think this is a BD issue, and if so what you think the next step should be (eg, remote assistance); or if you think it's an issue with my computer and I need to seek live help here. I have found the dmp file, can e-mail it to you if you want.

    Having the same problem you are at:

  • Hello,

    @Tim: Please send me the dump file and Yes, I would like to also start a remote session and gather all the logs I need and also try few workarounds to see the results. When you have sent the email also send me a PM with the ticket ID. Thanks!

    @Eric: you have an answer from me in your Inbox. Please send me the requested info.

  • Hi Aviad,

    Be kindly informed that you had 2 open tickets under the same email address, working with two different engineers. I merged them into a single case and took ownership of it. You mention an error message at the middle of the scan. Is it always at the same file ? Try to note down the path when the scan is encountering an error.

    Also try to perform all types of scan and see if the issue reproduce with all of them: Deep system scan, Full system scan and Quick system scan.

    I have sent you instructions on how to generate two sets of logs: SupportTool and autoruns. Follow the steps enclosed in my email and provide me with the requested files. As soon as my analysis will be complete you will have my answer via email.


    Hi Daniel.

    I sent you the files some days ago, but I haven't gotten yet your response. Please help me, my computer still at risk.

  • @Eric: you have an answer from me in your Inbox. Please send me the requested info.

    I sent all the information you wanted. Did you ever receive it? I'm going to PM you with my log files.

  • Unknown
    edited October 2010

    Hi Eric,

    The idea was to see NEW logs from your PC, not the old ones dated 3 weeks ago. I have those already. From what I see in those logs you haven't yet updated your Windows with the latest Service Pack, pack 3.

    You can find all the details you need here:

    Make the upgrade then re-install BitDefender. Let me know if the issue persist.

  • tobmed
    edited October 2010
    @Tim: Please send me the dump file and Yes, I would like to also start a remote session and gather all the logs I need and also try few workarounds to see the results. When you have sent the email also send me a PM with the ticket ID. Thanks!

    Hi Dany,

    I have consulted with my computer guy, and on his advice would rather not proceed with remote assistance. Sorry, but your product is already causing a blue screen error on my computer! Can't take the chance of causing further damage.

    Therefore and with regret, I'm going to have to request a refund, see my e-mail. I'm very disappointed with this result, especially after such a prolonged process.

  • Hi,

    The decision is all yours, I'm sorry you do not trust us enough to allow the remote and to try to identify the issue. Got your email and escalated to my colleagues from the Sales department.

    My best regards,

  • Thanks Dany,

    Not a matter of trust, really. A BSOD is a major issue, and I can solve it most simply by removing BD. Sorry it didn't work out...I will await e-mail from Sales.

  • Hi Eric,

    The idea was to see NEW logs from your PC, not the old ones dated 3 weeks ago. I have those already. From what I see in those logs you haven't yet updated your Windows with the latest Service Pack, pack 3.

    You can find all the details you need here:

    Make the upgrade then re-install BitDefender. Let me know if the issue persist.

    There is no SP3 for Windows XP x64 (64-bit edition).

This discussion has been closed.