Wrong Credit Card Number Entered by BD
I'm a new user of BD, but an experienced computer user. Win11. I decided to subscribe to a new service, Greekpods.com, for language learning. When it came time to supply the credit card number, BD filled in a number unrelated to what I had stored for that card. I checked several times to be sure I'd picked the right card…
6 ways fraudsters can steal your credit card data
Payment card fraud is raking up tens of billions of dollars in losses each year, making it a particularly enticing enterprise for cybercriminals and other scammers who prey on unwary individuals. Read the full article below to find out what are the most common ways of credit card theft and how to prevent it:
What is the Difference between Credit Card Fraud and Identity Theft?
It’s easy to confuse credit card fraud with identity theft, but they’re not the same thing. Let’s take a quick look at how they’re different. Credit Card Fraud vs. Identity Theft Credit card fraud is a potential consequence of identity theft. Here, a thief steals your credit card information and then makes purchases in a…