Wrong Credit Card Number Entered by BD

edited December 3 in Privacy

I'm a new user of BD, but an experienced computer user. Win11.

I decided to subscribe to a new service, Greekpods.com, for language learning.

When it came time to supply the credit card number, BD filled in a number unrelated to what I had stored for that card. I checked several times to be sure I'd picked the right card from the popup.

Any ideas why this might be? I'm guessing it's a function of the vendor site, but don't know.


  • Hello @aengineerdu,

    Where exactly did Bitdefender fill in the payment information? I'm asking because you can automatically fill out credit card details in billing fields and your passwords in login fields by clicking the Bitdefender Password Manager button in Safepay. So I'm guessing that maybe the billing information must be updated there..

    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user