I got 98% of Misconfigurations while my configurations are right, is there anyone who can help with Misconfigurations scenarios ?
Facebook still often locking me out after removing trojans, changing passwords and reformatting PC?
2 months back, I picked up 2 trojans on my laptop. Hackers had accessed Google profiles on the device, and through that my Facebook account. I downloaded Bitdefender which removed the trojans. Since then I have moved everything (incl Facebook) over to a new Google account, changed paswords, formatted my laptop and phone.…
Cyber Horror Stories. Have you ever been hacked?
Ever since hacking became a way of life and a profitable business for the bad guys, cyber attacks have caused major disruptions, chaos, compromised data and gruesome financial losses. As we rely more and more on the internet in our daily lives, there is much at stake and security should be on our priority list, since we…
DDoS attack takes out Internet for whole country
Andorra Telecom, the tiny microstate's only internet service provider, tweeted that a barrage of distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks had impacted the country's internet and 4G service. According to reports, the DDoS attackers' true targets were participants in a Spanish-speaking online gaming tournament that was…
Malware Posing as Ransomware Responsible for Ukraine Cyberattack
Microsoft has published a more in-depth analysis of the recent Ukraine cyberattack, showing that the destructive malware is more like ransomware and follows a known pattern. Following cyberattacks against Ukrainian government websites of the State Treasury, State Emergency Service, Cabinet of Ministers, Ministry of Foreign…
Finalsite Ransomware Attack Freezes Thousands of School Websites
A major cyber attack on Finalsite, a leading school platform provider, disrupted thousands of schools worldwide over several days this week. Finalsite offers website, communications, enrollment and marketing platforms to more than 8,000 schools and universities in 115 countries around the world. On Jan. 4, an unexpected…