Port Scan blocked, internet is off. What do I do?
Hello, this is Danny. Every 7 days, I've been getting constant pop-ups of a port scan block, and shortly after that, my internet cuts off with no way to get it back on. By "no way", I tried turning off and on my internet, and when trying to access the pages I frequently go to, I get an error message saying something along…
Greater granularity in Notifications information, especially port scans
I have searched for prior discussion on this, without any positive hits, but there are only 24 hours in each day... The Port Scan Notification feature is certainly useful, but not nearly as useful as it would be if the notification included at least the target protocol/port. I recently inserted a robust, full-featured…
How to silence alerts from Nessus Scans
Hello everyone, I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction for this issue. Gravityzone is detecting scan from Nessus (Network scan) as malicious and blocking the connections as intended. However, I was hoping to find a way to silence the alerts while maintaining the block action. Is this possible? Thank you…
how to add an exception based on a specific IP to Bitdefender total security port scan detection?
Hello, my machines running Bitdefender Totatl Security are behind an appliance which performs regular port scans for discovery and security assessments. How can I add an exception for that specific trusted IP only to bitdenfer total security's port scanning detection?
Non-Stop Port-Scans
Good Day! I've recently updated my Windows 10 and started receiving an insane amount of port scans for multiple different IP's, 6-8 per minute. Can someone tell me what's going on??! I've done multiple system scans that came up empty. This issue has me really scared. Thanks for your time! See attached for an example.