I wish there was just some page that explained how multiple licenses work on one computer. Seems easy enough to spell out.
Thanks. I was starting to wonder... But I know that their support can take days sometimes...
Great! Yes, please do post back. This stuff is all so confusing..
This is a joke! I just posted a question about this very topic, and Gary posted that it was already posted in this Feature Request forum, and just closed my topic.. How would I have known to look in a new feature request forum for a feature that already existed in my last version of the software?? Especially when I was…
Yes, on the Antivirus screen/Shield Tab I also clicked the Advanced Settings button and have my il2fb.exe listed there as 'Allowed'. So, both the folder and .exe are Excluded and Allowed, and BitDefender AV is OFF. EDIT: Oops, I am running the game off of my X: drive and I just noticed that on that Exclusions page I have…
Thanks Hep.
I, like everyone else am disappointed with the situation but as the twitter feed suggests a resolution is on its way and that a full detailed explanation of a fix will be posted on the forum as soon as possible. However hard it is we must be patient no matter how angry and frustrated we are. Their solution was post 1.5…
BitDESTROYER I cannot Restore over 200 Windows System and other files! Too many files in different folders. BD just says bad path. System Restore no good. No good restore point. Last Good Configuration.... Right... Did Autoupdates, Downloaded Weekly 64bit, no help. Did a BD repair, but that made me reboot finally and then…
I see an official posting now : click here I think it will help some people, but I find it quite "too good to be true".... Great! Thanks... I cannot restore the vast majority of my Quarentined files because BD won't do it. So, I am probably screwed... Perfectly good computer, shot in the head by the Cop protecting her...
I wish they would just START a LOCKED thread that we can WATCH for UPDATES from the DEVS! Just so they can keep us updated OFFICALLY if the fix is out, or this new 'version' is the correct one or not. I don't know if a FIX is OUT or not, or What Version I am supposed to have??? And this thread is not helping.. There may or…
i'm still stuck on engine version 7.30848 using both the manual(off the site) and the automatic updates every time results with 7.30848 What is it supposed to be? That is what I have also after two autoupdates and also the weekly.exe download 20 mins ago. I wish they would tell us exactly if there is a fix available now,…
2) 7.30856 Thanks, my last update was 7.30848, so I guess that was not the fix? Where did you find that info? Thanks again, Snacko
==>> I'll make this Red... <<== so maybe some Mod will find it in this pile. I have the same problem that I have seen repeated on 23 pages here running BD 64 on Win7 64. 1) I just did an Autoupdate about 10 minutes ago, and it says it was successful, but how do I know? Can a Moderator post the Virus definition info so we…