alanrwood ✭✭


  • I am in complete agreement with Rickdev. I have never found a more difficult and inflexible install procedure. There are several other issues that I have made representation about which can not be accommodated in BD ie no offline installer, slow program updates (Not definitions), constant pop ups regarding B/D VPN which I…
  • Hi I have replied to your private communication. The situation is that I have 10 machines and although they are supposed to update the software program the time delay is far too high and not acceptable. I usually get these software updates up to 8 weeks after they are issued. I appreciate that everyone trying to update at…
  • Absolutely with you on this. These nag screens are a pain in the b__
  • Hi Thanks for the reply. Sorry for my late response Actually this was not a feature idea, I was asking if this was already available. I will add this to the list of negatives in Bitdefender including poor and slow program updates (Some take 6 weeks to come through), no facility to force a program update and no ability to…
  • Welcome back Alan We are looking forward to hearing from you these days. Take care. Hi Christian Bad news I'm afraid. I finally finished installing everything and took a Disk Image. I installed BD as before but this time after the install the machine hung during boot just after the Welcome Screen Eventually I had to go…
  • Will do when finished current install. Maybe tomorrow or the next day Thanks Alan
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