deep blue


  • Do I click full control for system, Administrators or both? Thanks Jim Allow full control for both....additionally there should be a CREATOR OWNER with "special permissions" granted....As I recall, this group was not present prior to the safe mode modifications, but showed up after the permissions reset.
  • ok...a little investigating here reveals that the folder "c:\program files\bitdefender 2010\NAG" has gives an access denied error when attempting an explorer browse of it's files. If this is the intended download location of those media files, I suspect that would be the source of the error. Now, i have attempted to grant…
  • ok...a little investigating here reveals that the folder "c:\program files\bitdefender 2010\NAG" has gives an access denied error when attempting an explorer browse of it's files. If this is the intended download location of those media files, I suspect that would be the source of the error. Now, i have attempted to grant…
  •'s a little disconcerting that: a.) more ppl haven't reported this issue. If it is in fact common to all Win7, by now most comps that do not reboot daily should show the "!" over the system tray icon... that "!" tends to motivate even the laziest among us to seek a solution. b.) tech support seems to be on safari,…
  • ...having a similar issue on my Win7 x64 laptop with BD IS 2010. During update, it appears that a 69kB file will not download from the servers. After several retries, the red "!" appears and the log file indicates "update process cancelled" This behavior began in the early morning hours (Central US) on May 4. It seems that…
  • ...having a similar issue on my Win7 x64 laptop with BD IS 2010. During update, it appears that a 69kB file will not download from the servers. After several retries, the red "!" appears and the log file indicates "update process cancelled" This behavior began in the early morning hours (Central US) on May 4. It seems that…