[duplicate] Windows 7 X64 Bit Internet Security Update Problem


i`m using windows 7 x64 pro and bitdefender internet security x64 that i installed it yesterday , i mean windows and bitdefender are fresh. when i click at update it will download updates but they won`t be install , after downloading it check for update again and ... my bitdefender is build

please help me , what i mut do?


  • ME TOO!!!! I'm using Windows 7 Ultimate 32Bit and i have Bitdefender Antivirus 2010.... My Common Files\Bitdefender\Threat Scanner increased to 600MB in 1 DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It just won't install after downloading updates! I've tried uninstall with Uninstall Tool then reinstall and it's still the same! Help pls.................

  • i have slow internet connection , use this link for update after that update with bitdefender and see if your problem solved , tell me the result :


  • ...having a similar issue on my Win7 x64 laptop with BD IS 2010. During update, it appears that a 69kB file will not download from the servers. After several retries, the red "!" appears and the log file indicates "update process cancelled" This behavior began in the early morning hours (Central US) on May 4. It seems that if i reboot, I am able to get one successful update, then the process begins anew. I have scanned the update log back to March and found some instances where this has occurred, but only for at most 3 hourly attempts. I have also swapped a cloned drive from 2 weeks ago (when the updating was working fine) and attemped the update with the same results, so I am ruling out any operating system changes as the cause. Thoughts anyone?

  • ###### up product! Same error on win 7 x64. Where is the support team?

    Updates going in loop. 69 kb always left. Looks ###### though!

  • Hello? Fix this ###### plz.

  • Anyone?

  • wow...it's a little disconcerting that:

    a.) more ppl haven't reported this issue. If it is in fact common to all Win7, by now most comps that do not reboot daily should show the "!" over the system tray icon... that "!" tends to motivate even the laziest among us to seek a solution.

    b.) tech support seems to be on safari, or possibly sitting in a dark room contemplating their navels.

  • Hello all,

    Please check this topic: http://forum.bitdefender.com/index.php?showtopic=19589

    If your situation is similar to the one described there, please let me know so I can close this topic. You can follow the situation of that issue on that topic.

    If your situation is different, please post here more details about what exactly fails to download.


This discussion has been closed.