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  • Sorry if I've upset you. I am a happy user. Bitdefender used for many years, the most expensive version and I was extremely pleased every time. I wish you continued success Do not worry, you did not upset me. My comments were simply to correct the inaccurate facts regarding the money back guarantee, for the benefit of this…
  • Dear Sir, I said no money will be refunded. Again, you are incorrect. I was told over the phone that the money WILL be refunded, so unless the person who took the call lied to me, I expect a refund within 24 hours. Whatever the result is I will come back here and post it. I am not a new Bit Defender user which is why I…
  • Bitdefender product before buying, you have been able to test it free for 30 days. In these 30 days you have been convinced for sure if the product meets or not your needs. The fact that you have not taken advantage offered free testing, only you are responsible. You are incorrect. The Bitdefender website clearly states…
  • Hello iregalado and Kanth, I am very sorry for the negative experience you had so far with our product. I will try to provide you with some steps to follow in order to solve this issue: 1. First and foremost, please take a look here at the recommended system requirements and make sure your computer meets them; 2. Secondly,…
  • I installed this new software a month ago and it has been creating so many problems in my computer since then. Since I have not installed any new software besides that, I'm gonna have to blame this one on Bit Defender Security 2011. Descrition of problems below: - My computer hangs pretty much every day, at least twice a…
  • Hi Danydan, I have installed new version of bit defender 2011 maybe a month back. But it always shows that real time protection is disabled. I have tried repair but does not work and asloonce I completly reinstalled. It worked fine for some time but later again stated showing up same problem. The older version was working…
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