

  • Hello is there anyone moderator in this forum?????????? I want to know whether this problem is fixed or not???? If it is not fixed say honestly that it is not problem...
  • Hi guys, Is this issue fixed????????I am looking again to install BD....pls some one quickly reply!
  • Look at this topics…
  • Sad to see that a problem which is 2 months old is not recticfied till now :angry: I am uninstalling bitdefender
  • I also have the same problem..still the small files are downloaded automaticaly like pdf's less than 1mb are downloaded automatically...
  • When I run a contextual scan,it starts in system tray but it exits immediately and I can't open that window also....
  • let me make my question clear...I want to add whitelist for antimalware web filter and not for the antiphishing or antispam filter!!!
  • another question....does bitdefender detect adwares,key loggers?
  • Hi maaster As far as your 1st question, that can be found here (see Christian's image) It will show a log after completion: Updates are predetermined by Bitdefender auto update module, and for our security, updates at least 1 an hour to keep us fully updated and…
  • Good question asked, but unfortunately there is no separate logging for that. You will find the logging in the Antivirus Events only. I can't find any logs in the antivirus events...that means can I assume that autoscan is not taking place!!Then is there any way to schedule updates per two hours or on daily…
  • Sorry the problem was not with bitdefender....sorry for posting this....pls close this thread..
  • Thanks for your replies...they were very informative...Is there a way to find logs for autoscan?
  • Hi maaster I think this is why this thread was started: as I don't think things have changed since this thread: Hopefully, you are able to restore those files from a back up, or re-download them and add them to…
  • Hi maaster, glad you're up and running Let my get a start on this and others can fill in the blanks and follow up. #1) What email client are you using? #2) See this thread, as I'm figuring by HIPS, you mean IDS in Bitdefender?: #3) See this thread, and Christian's…
  • Hello maaster, I´m so glad to hear that Which version of Bitdefender you currently use, latest or one of the previous ? Do you still have a problem with upgrading to the 2013 version ? Have a nice day. problem with any of the modules...I now only experiencing slow internet connection speed after installing BD IS…
  • atlast I figured it out....I ran bitdefender uninstaller in safe mode and then tried to works now....thanks to bitdefender support for helping me
  • Hello maaster, In your post #9 you said that you can install Bitdefender 2012. I suggest you to do it again and wait for a Christian response, because in that case you will be able to make "BDSP" file which will be of great help in solving of your problem. Installing other anti virus software can cause a further…
  • Hello maaster, Did you have installed Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Redistributable Package (x64) ? If you haven't, check this link Have a nice weekend. I already had that one but again I downloaded and reinstalled that...but still no use....Do u have anything so that I may post some logs or reports here because there is…
  • Hello anyone there in this forum?no answer from anyone for 2 days!
  • I installed service pack 1..still the same problem "the application can't be run on this machine"
  • Hello Welcome to the forums! Right now, there is no other way. Bitdefender 2012/2013 can only be installed on Windows 7 only if Service Pack 1 is installed. If you can not install it, please temporary install Bitdefender 2011 from here: Take care. But I installed…
  • Hello maaster, Service Pack 1 is highly recommended for functioning of the BitDefender. I think is a best option for you to install the Service Pack 1 via Windows updates and then try to install Bitdefender again . Due to incomplete installation that you have started, would not be bad that you first run Bitdefender…
  • windows 7,64 bit,4 gb RAM,no service packs installed ....
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